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Meinl percussion

Meinl Percussion CL3HW African Hardwood Claves, Hollow Body

998 Calificaciones
Classic Deluxe
Indian walnut
Select hardwood
Solid select hardwood
Small striker/large body, hollow
Small striker/large body, solid
Identical, solid

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Meinl percussion

Peso con empaque: 0.380 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

Low pitch with clear attack — sold in pairs, the Meinl Percussion African Hardwood Claves deliver a deep wood tone with low fundamental pitch typically heard in African rhythms and dance music — these claves cut through the mix with a rich wood tone
Hollow hardwood — a hollow resonating body made with hardwood develops the lowest pitch of all Meinl Percussion clave styles, and the sound has extra resonance from the hollow build — sound ports are located on one side with a port on the end as well
Versatile sound — great to use for traditional Latin American music, rock, pop, concert band and even orchestral music (live or in the studio) — these claves also work great in larger ensemble settings like classroom band and drum circles
African style — the large body measures 12" L x 1 3/4" W and the striker measures 10" L x 3/4" W to produce a low pitch — the body has a smooth notch where the sound ports are located for more resonance and volume (this notch faces down into your palm)
Specially weighted for outstanding attack — the large body weighs 9 ounces and the small striker weighs 3 ounces — this noticeable weight difference helps deliver a solid "knock" sound when you strike them together that's crystal-clear and full of depth
Perfect for studio percussion collections — studio owners will find it handy to have these African style claves as part of a collection of percussion instruments to always have ready when the moment calls for it during recording
Natural finish — features a natural finish that lets the light wood grain show through
Manufacturer disclaimer — typographical or grammatical errors found in the bullet point or description text on this product page are a result of this site’s system and are neither the fault of the manufacturer nor marketplace sellers

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Precio: U$S 36.68 $ 1.650

Ahorras: U$S 11.73 (32%) $ 530 (32%)

U$S 24.95

$ 1.120

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Más detalles del producto

African Claves are slightly larger and have a lower fundamental pitch. Additionally, the resonating body is larger than the striker. Available in two different versions: Solid and hollowed out body.

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¿Cuál es la valoración promedio de Meinl Percussion CL3HW Afri...?

La valoración promedio de Meinl Percussion CL3HW Afri... es 4 (basado en 998 reviews).


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