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Meinl percussion

Meinl Percussion Synthetic Mountable Tambourine Musical Instrument for Recording or Live — NOT Made in China — Double Row Jingles, 2-Year Warranty (TMT2M-WH)

37 Calificaciones
Plated steel
Solid brass
Solid brass/plated steel

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Meinl percussion

Peso con empaque: 0.627 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

BUILT LIKE A TANK: the Meinl Traditional Mountable Tambourine stands up to the brunt of drumsticks on a drum kit or percussion rig; it fits almost anywhere and stays put
WHY IT MATTERS: it can open up your playing on your kit or percussion rig, and inspire new approaches to familiar grooves; accent your snare backbeat or weave into Latin American rhythms
DRIVING THE SOUND: mixed plated steel/solid brass jingles respond with a bright attack followed by warm sustain with volume that blends easily; combining steel and brass gives it a well-rounded, clear and vibrant tone
OF NOTE: the mount is a standard 3/8" eye bolt that attaches to percussion rods or cymbal stand posts; this mount is not removeable—Meinl offers handheld versions of this tambourine with no mount if you want to play with your hands
ONE BIG THING: this tambourine is super durable with its 100% synthetic all-weather frame; jingles are mounted on steel pins that are sealed inside the frame, so there's no risk of them falling out
ZOOM IN: the frame is molded with ridges that you can drag a drumstick across to create a guiro sound effect (or tambourine roll)
THE TAKEAWAY: this professional-grade tambourine performs great live or in the studio and is designed for any style; take on the road for long tours or weekend gigs, have on-hand for studio work, or play in worship settings
THE BIG PICTURE: Meinl is a family-owned musical instrument manufacturer and brand established 1951 in Germany; our expert German designers have deep relationships with our builders to ensure you're delivered the absolute finest quality

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SKU: B00275G8DE

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Precio: U$S 79.79 $ 3.580

Ahorras: U$S 19.80 (25%) $ 890 (25%)

U$S 59.99

$ 2.690

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Más detalles del producto

The Meinl Recording-Combo ABS Tambourines feature our popular mixed jingles, where nickel-silver plated steel meets solid brass for a unique and pleasing sound. MEINL Hand and Set Up Tambourines (design protected by a utility model) have a distinct design advantage due to the construction of the ABS frame. Unlike other tambourines, MEINL’s utilizes several different parts in the frame which are assembled into a type of “sandwich”. This results in unsurpassed durability.

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La valoración promedio de Meinl Percussion Synthetic... es 5 (basado en 37 reviews).


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