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GRIFFIN Snare Drum | Poplar Wood Shell 14" x 5.5" with Black PVC & Coated Head | Acoustic Marching Percussion Musical Instrument Set with Drummers Key, 8 Metal Tuning Lugs & Snare Strainer Throw Off

318 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Griffin

Peso con empaque: 3.537 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

ACHIEVE THAT BRILLIANT ATTACK YOU CRAVE FOR YOUR ACOUSTIC DRUM SET: The perfect sounding snare drum that offers you a brilliant, powerful crack with beautiful overtones. Boasting a 3-ply, 7.5 mm, 100% poplar wood construction, this snare drum will match any music style including rock, metal, funk, gospel, or even pop, and give that punchy, penetrating sound youve been looking for, perfectly complimenting your style or even use as a marching snare drum!
UPGRADE YOUR 14 INCH SNARE DRUM KIT STYLE: The black wrap with simple, high-gloss finish that is gorgeous to look at and the unrivaled craftsmanship make this deluxe musical instrument a worthy addition to any drummers collection. An excellent choice for beginners, students or professional musicians, this 14 inch x 5.5 inch snare drum can be easily used as a primary or secondary snare. Drum head top: White coating. Drum head bottom: clear.
CLASS-LEADING SNARE THROW OFF: Equipped with a top-notch, smooth and quiet snare strainer that promises flawless operation and a fluid movement every time, this drum throw-off will allow you to easily tighten, loosen or mute the snares according to your preference, all without failing or locking up! Specifications: Snare wire: 12 strands. Hardware finish: Chrome. Gross weight: 6 pounds.
MORE TUNING LUGS FOR YOUR SNARE HEAD CREATING EXCELLENT SOUND: The percussion hardware includes a drum key, as well as eight (8) very durable tuning lugs that promise a much more stable and higher quality sound compared to six lug drums, allowing you to achieve excellent sound in even the lowest tuning option.
INSTALLED SNARE BEDS: Snare beds are now carved in the drum shell for a tighter snare sound. Curved depressions are cut opposite each other into the bottom bearing edge of the drum, parallel to the throw-off and butt plate. The installed snare beds are very popular with drummers as many drummers like a reduction of snare buzz and rattle. This makes all the snare drum snares rest flush alongside the bottom of the drum head.

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Precio: U$S 67.76 $ 3.040

Ahorras: U$S 16.81 (25%) $ 750 (25%)

U$S 50.95

$ 2.290

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La valoración promedio de GRIFFIN Snare Drum | Poplar... es 4 (basado en 318 reviews).


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