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Gammon percussion

Gammon 3-Piece Junior Drum Set with Throne - Blue, Complete Beginner Kit with Bass Drum, Toms, Cymbal, Pedal, and Drumsticks

483 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Gammon percussion

Peso con empaque: 9.705 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

Complete 3-piece junior drum set: This Gammon junior drum set includes a 12" x 10" bass drum with pedal, a 10" x 6" mounted snare, an 8" x 6" mounted tom, and an 8" cymbal with cymbal arm. A padded throne (stool) and a pair of drumsticks are also included. It is the ultimate junior drum kit for beginners.
Quality construction: This drum set is built to withstand the enthusiasm of young drummers. It is constructed with durable materials to endure hours of practice and play. This beginner drum set features solid wood shells, black rims, and a high-gloss finish in a variety of fun colors. It is designed with premium batter heads and a bass drum pedal for top-level performance.
Compact and space-saving: A real drum set specially created for young drummers. The size of this beginner percussion set ensures it will not overwhelm your living space. This pint-sized drum kit is designed with young drummers in mind, offering a fun and engaging way for them to explore their musical talents.
Excellent sound: The high-quality design of this junior drum set produces a clean, clear, and loud sound. As a scaled-down drum set, it is an excellent start for beginner drummers to develop their musical abilities. The kit is designed with easy-to-reach components, offering an authentic drumming experience that allows young musicians to explore rhythm and coordination while having a blast.
Some assembly required: This drum kit makes a great gift and will provide countless hours of enjoyment. It includes all hardware, easy-to-read assembly instructions, and a drum adjustment key. This drum set includes everything young musicians need to begin drumming right away.

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Precio: U$S 170.86 $ 7.660

Ahorras: U$S 74.87 (44%) $ 3360 (44%)

U$S 95.99

$ 4.300

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La valoración promedio de Gammon 3-Piece Junior Drum... es 4 (basado en 483 reviews).


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Gammon 3-Piece Junior Drum... pertenece al catálogo de Amazon


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Los tiempos de envió pueden variar según el producto. Recibí Gammon 3-Piece Junior Drum... en tu casa en un tiempo de entre 5 y 11 dias.


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