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Ampersand art supply

Ampersand Art Supply Unprimed Basswood Artist Panel, 1-1/2" Cradled Profile 10"x10"

147 Calificaciones
1-1/2" Cradled
7/8" Cradled

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Ampersand art supply

Peso con empaque: 0.611 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

SMOOTH SURFACE WITHOUT IMPERFECTIONS: Ampersand’s Unprimed Basswood Panel has no seams, distinct knots, or "football" patches and has no problematic fiber raising
CRADLED PROFILE: 1-1/2" High density solid wood cradles provide extra support to protect your art and prevent warping
STRONGER THAN BIRCH AND BALSA: Sturdy 4mm Premium Basswood surface offers superb durability, compared with other plywood panel
STRENGTH AND VERSATILITY: Unprimed Basswood is perfect for priming and painting, mixed media, mounting, collage, wood burning, and encaustic painting techniques.
QUALITY AND CRAFTSMANSHIP: Unparalleled quality and craftsmanship has made Ampersand Art supply the leader in painting panels for over 25 years.

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SKU: B00917DSM0

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Precio: U$S 45.30 $ 2.030

Ahorras: U$S 19.85 (44%) $ 890 (44%)

U$S 25.45

$ 1.140

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Más detalles del producto

Are you frustrated with the quality of many wood panels? Compared with other raw surfaces on the market, Ampersand's Unprimed Basswood Artist Panel painting panel is free of plywood seams, knots or troublesome raised fibers providing the cleaner, more professional look that artists want. The Unprimed Basswood panel is handcrafted using a sturdy, non-flexible 4mm basswood top, sanded perfectly smooth and ready to seal and prime with the ground of your choice. Basswood is a premium, select wood that outperforms the typically used birch plywood in many ways. It is inherently smoother with a tight wood grain and no raised fibers, making it easier to gesso and paint on. Basswood is ultra-stable and will not give, bend or flex. The 1. 5" profile Unprimed Basswood panel is simple to hang or frame. The support frames are made with quality solid wood strips that can be finished with paint or stain. The cradled back allows you to attach hanging hardware and display your artwork easily - without a frame! Unprimed Basswood is great for encaustic, mixed media, collage and wood engraving. The tight grain of the Ampersand Unprimed Basswood panels makes them the preferred choice for finely detailed wood burning / pyrography. All wood should be sealed and primed before painting. You can use clear gesso to see the wood grain through the sealer and primer.

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La valoración promedio de Ampersand Art Supply Unprim... es 4 (basado en 147 reviews).


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