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Kids korner

Stacking Shapes Pegboard Set for Kids (Light Rainbow Colors)

676 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Kids korner

Peso con empaque: 0.634 kg

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Producto de: Amazon

2025 NEW & IMPROVED | This updated version for 2025 features chunky, JUMBO PEGS that are smooth with rounded edges. No more sharp corners!. Peg size is perfect for small hands so your little one can focus on playing and learning! The FOAM BOARD is also bigger and thicker to match the pegs. Now that is a win win! See video for more details on these new & improved features.
SHAPE SORTER BABY TOY | These learning toys make a fun Montessori toy. The toddler peg game helps your little one learn, play and grow as they grab, stack, build & tap the jumbo pegs. Use the lacing pegs as baby blocks, a stacking toy, a building toy and a matching game for shape and color recognition as well a fine motor skill development.
MONTESSORI TOYS FOR TODDLERS | The shape pegboard is the perfect learning resource to help toddlers develop fine motor muscles. Use these color sorting toys for toddlers for counting, sorting, patterning, stacking, color matching games, lacing practice and more. These jumbo toddler toys also work as autism toys, occupational therapy toys and toddler gifts.
PRESCHOOL LEARNING TOYS | Preschoolers will use these peg stacking toys to prepare for kindergarten. These kids toys will give your child a head start - so, take advantage of the toddler learning activities eBook for step by step instruction. These kids' discovery toys can also be used as bath toys, outside toys for toddlers, toys for toddler girls and toys for 3 year old boys.
MATH MANIPULATIVES | Use these Montessori Materials math counters to identify shapes, numbers and colors and their relation to one another. Challenge your child with fun math games and toddler games as one explores the jumbo pegboard. Our game activity set is also a building construction set that every little one needs.
COMPLETE TRAVEL TOYS | These toddler travel toys are inspired by Montessori learning! These fine motor skills toys make great travel games for kids in airplanes. They are also great stem toys for girls, can be fun backyard toys, high chair toys and beach toys for kids. The possibilities are endless with the Jumbo Shapes Pegboard Set by Kids Korner.

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Precio: U$S 35.17 $ 1.580

Ahorras: U$S 12.18 (35%) $ 550 (35%)

U$S 22.99

$ 1.030

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