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Channing & yates

Channing & Yates Premium Boutique Baby Towels for Girls - Hooded Girl Towel & Washcloth Set - Organic Viscose Made from Bamboo Baby Towels with Hood - Baby Girl Bath Towels (Pink)

863 Calificaciones
Beige Set
Pink Set

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Channing & yates

Peso con empaque: 0.680 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

THE SOFTEST BABY TOWELS FOR GIRLS - Channing & Yates towels are 500 GSM (grams per square meter) of our exclusive AngelTouch fabric that absorbs 60% more than cotton towels; Our luxury hooded towel and face washcloths are 2 times as thick and soft as other baby girl towels; Perfect, soft, warm, and absorbent for the Bath, Pool, or Beach; Perfect shade of pink for your little girl; Towel and wash cloth set is the perfect baby bathtub accessory
BIGGER THAN OTHER PINK BABY TOWELS WITH HOOD | 40’’x 28”- As parents of three growing children we know the importance of an extra large baby towel robe that lasts; Our soft spa towels with animal ears are extra-large for your pretty little princess; The perfect baby girl towel
UNIQUE HOODED TOWEL FOR GIRL DESIGN - Other towels place the hood on the corner of a square towel leaving far less towel to wrap your baby in; Our towel is rectangle & the hood is in the center of the long side allowing you to fully wrap your little one using the entire length of the towel; The best design of baby girl bath towels on the market
ORGANIC, NATURAL, HYPOALLERGENIC - Viscose Bamboo naturally has hypoallergenic characteristics making it resistant to odors and free of chemicals; Perfect baby bath towels for newborns, babies & kids with sensitive skin, eczema, baby acne
BEST SHOWER GIFTS FOR BOYS & GIRLS - Our Premium Gingham Bordered Viscose Bamboo Towel with hood makes an ideal gift and perfect baby registry addition every time; Choose from Pink, Blue, Purple or Beige; We know you will absolutely love it

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Precio: U$S 48.98 $ 2.190

Ahorras: U$S 16.99 (35%) $ 760 (35%)

U$S 31.99

$ 1.430

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La valoración promedio de Channing & Yates Premiu... es 5 (basado en 863 reviews).


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