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FITGIRL - Ankle Strap for Cable Exercise Machines, Work Out Cuff Attachment for Home & Gym, Glute Workouts - Kickbacks, Leg Extensions, Hip Abductors, for Exercise Machine Attachments

14949 Calificaciones
Animal - Pair
Animal - Single
Beige - Pair
Beige - Single
Beige Leopard - Pair
Beige Leopard - Single
Black - Pair
Black - Single
Black Leopard - Pair
Black Leopard - Single
Camo - Pair
Camo - Single
Cocoa Brown - Pair
Cocoa Brown - Single
Mint - Pair
Mint - Single
Olive Green - Pair
Olive Green - Single
Pink - Pair
Pink - Single

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Fitgirl

Peso con empaque: 0.355 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

100% Neoprene
SUPREME COMFORT - We got sooooo fed up with old, stinky, and flimsy gym ankle straps, that we went out and created the most comfortable Ankle Cuff ever made - just for Women! Say good bye to germs and other people’s sweat - because you deserve to have your own super cute and comfy ankle straps for leg day! Your glutes will thank you!
TONE & BURN - Make your leg day fun, by bring your workout to the next level with fun and new exercises, such as: Cable Kickbacks, Cable Hip Abduction & Adduction, Cable Leg Mountain Climbers, Cable Lunges, Inner & Outer Thigh Contractions..and many more! Improve your leg workouts and see the difference you can make in your strength and in the physical appearance of your glutes, hamstrings, and quads.
FUNCTION - FITGIRL Ankle Strap has a thick neoprene padding, making it the most comfortable ankle cuff on the market. The 2 inch support strap is secured with heavy duty material, making this strap extremely easy to adjust, put on, and take off. This strap adjusts to fit any ankle size effortlessly. This strap was designed for beginners to intermediate level fitness enthusiasts (light to medium weight support).
WOMEN - FITGIRL designs and manufactures products exclusively for women who live an active and healthy lifestyle. We strongly believe in providing women with the highest quality products that are comfortable and fun to use every single day! Don’t settle for one-size fits men and women equally, because it’s just not true. Instead, give our products a try - you will love them! Plus, they always have touch of pink. Who doesn’t love pink?!

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Precio: U$S 13.29 $ 600

Ahorras: U$S 3.30 (25%) $ 150 (25%)

U$S 9.99

$ 450

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Más detalles del producto

FITGIRL - Ankle Strap for Cable Exercise Machines, Work Out Cuff Attachment for Home & Gym, Glute Workouts - Kickbacks, Leg Extensions, Hip Abductors, for Exercise Machine Attachments

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¿Cuál es la valoración promedio de FITGIRL - Ankle Strap for C...?

La valoración promedio de FITGIRL - Ankle Strap for C... es 5 (basado en 14949 reviews).


¿FITGIRL - Ankle Strap for C... tiene devolución?

Si, usted puede devolver el producto a nuestras oficinas de Miami (USA). Para ello se debe solicitar la devolución en su cuenta de Tiendamia dentro de los primeros 7 días de haber recibido el paquete. Los costos de devolución corren por cuenta del cliente. Más información en Políticas de devolución


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¿Cuánto demora el envío de FITGIRL - Ankle Strap for C...?

Los tiempos de envió pueden variar según el producto. Recibí FITGIRL - Ankle Strap for C... en tu casa en un tiempo de entre 5 y 11 dias.


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Todas las órdenes tienen garantía de entrega en Uruguay. Si tu pedido no llegó luego de 60 días de realizada la orden, te devolvemos el total de tu dinero. Tener en cuenta que si la orden queda retenida en aduana por razones ajenas a Tiendamia (ejemplo: exceso de franquicias) no aplica esta garantía.
