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LOLA Products Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, Reusable & Machine Washable, Microfiber Cleans Without Chemicals, Use for Cleaning & Dusting, 12" x 12", 20 Grams, 10 Pack

41 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Lola

Peso con empaque: 0.418 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

➤MICROFIBER - Lola microfiber cleaning cloths are made of thick, durable microfiber which is highly effective and multifunctional. These 12" x 12" jumbo size cloths are perfect for a range of streak free jobs such as cleaning cars inside and out as well as all around the house.
➤MULTI-PURPOSE - You can use it wet for cleaning and dry for dusting. It can be used to dry kitchen items or for dusting around the house. The fine micro fibers of this cloth attract dirt and dust like a magnet.
➤CLEANS WITHOUT CHEMICALS - Microfiber cleans without chemicals. Millions of micro poly fibers dig into cracks and crevices to deep clean surfaces. Our microfiber cleaning cloths are great for all sorts of household, industrial and commrercial jobs.
➤REUSABLE & MACHINE WASHABLE - These microfiber cleaning cloths are highly absorbent reusable cloths, which are also machine washable in warm water - They won't shrink. Rinse clean after use and use again and again. Will save you a lot of money if used in place of disposable paper towels where appropriate.
➤AMERICAN OWNED & OPERATED - Lola Products is an American family-owned & operated business that's been in the cleaning product industry for over 50 years.

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Precio: U$S 13.29 $ 600

Ahorras: U$S 3.30 (25%) $ 150 (25%)

U$S 9.99

$ 450

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La valoración promedio de LOLA Products Microfiber Cl... es 4 (basado en 41 reviews).


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