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The great indian bazaar

Handmade Wooden & Leather Classical Indian Folk Dumroo Damroo Damaru Hand Drum Set Percussion Decorative Collectible Showpiece World Musical Instruments (Multicolor)

126 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: The great indian bazaar

Peso con empaque: 0.634 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

SIZE - 4 Inches (L) Inches. The surface of the Indian Folk Drum or Dumroo, made from leather, allows a high speed combination of beats unlike any other musical instrument. The shell is made from Wood, sourced from Authorized Government Channels to ensure sustainability of the environment, as well as livelihood of the Artisans
HOW TO USE - Very simply, just place your index and middle finger along with your thumb around the center of the Dumroo, which is to be held horizontally, so that the leather is facing left and right (and not up and down). Then, very quickly, rotate your wrist back and forth on its axis (like unscrewing a bulb) so that the little orange balls tied to the rope swing with the wrist motion to beat the sides of the drum, to then create the intended rhythmic sounds the Dumroo is meant for!
TRADITION - It is widely used in classical dance as part of the instrument sets belonging to folk bands. It is often used in Indian film music, and the local Indian folk music of Jamaica, Suriname, Guyana, Caribbean, South Africa, Mauritius, and Trinidad and Tobago, where it was brought by indentured immigrants. In the Fiji Islands the Dumroo is widely used for Indian folk music, bhajan and kirtan.
GREAT GIFT IDEA - Each piece is unique and comes right from the heartland of India, that is its villages. Use this piece of history and folk culture to decorate your home, or gift to anyone so inclined
YOUR PRODUCT IS SAFE - The product is packed securely & safely and then exported directly to the Amazon Fulfillment Centers in the US, and fulfilled using the quickest and safest logistics partners, while being covered by the Amazon returns, refunds & replacement policy

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SKU: B0849L45K4

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Precio: U$S 13.90 $ 630

Ahorras: U$S 2.51 (18%) $ 110 (18%)

U$S 11.39

$ 520

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