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COOFANDY Men's Casual Business Vests Lightweight Waistcoat Slim Fit Suit Vest

2701 Calificaciones
Light Grey
Navy Blue
Wine Red
Black B
Green Plaid
Grey Plaid
Light Khaki
Mint Green
Navy Plaid
Black Plaid
Brown Plaid
Dark Green
Red Plaid
Sky Blue
Army Green
Light Brown
Light Grey Plaid

Disponibilidad: Fuera de stock

Marca: Coofandy

Peso con empaque: 0.452 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon


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Este producto viaja > USA > Tus Manos

Más detalles del producto

COOFANDY Men's Business Casual Vest Lightweight Slim Fit Modern Formal Waistcoat For a business casual work environment, wear the vest with the suit, dress shirt and pants, this modern look conveys a more elegant and formal. Wearing a suit vest with a T-shirt, plaid or striped shirt to create a fashionable and signature look. You can also with jeans, chinos or suit trousers, which will work well to create a laid-back and casual attitude. Brand COOFANDY Men's premium casual slim fit vest with high quality soft fabric, soft and lightweight, supple and stylish, give you the ideal balance between comfort and smart style. It is a wonderful choice for all seasons. Features Business Casual Vest; Modern and Stylish Design; Herringbone Tailored Waistcoat; Leisure Simply Style; Single Breasted 6 Button Vest; Premium Soft Fabric; Cotton Linen Fabric with Excellent Tailoring; Adjustable Back Belt; Two Front Real Pockets And One Chest Real Pocket; Comfortable Lining; Casual; Slim Fit; Lightweight; Solid Color; Western; Regular Fit; Cool; Comfort; Daily Wear. Size Chart: S M L XL XXL S Size --- Shoulder Sleeve: 14.9'' / Chest: 41.3'' / Waist: 38.2" / Center Back Length: 23.2" M Size --- Shoulder Sleeve: 15.4'' / Chest: 43.3'' / Waist: 40.2" / Center Back Length: 23.6" L Size --- Shoulder Sleeve: 15.8'' / Chest: 45.3'' / Waist: 42.1" / Center Back Length: 24.09" XL Size --- Shoulder Sleeve: 16.3'' / Chest: 47.2'' / Waist: 44.1" / Center Back Length: 24.4" XXL Size --- Shoulder Sleeve: 16.8'' / Chest: 49.2'' / Waist: 46.1" / Center Back Length: 24.8" Tell Us We care about our valued buyers, if you have any questions, we will be very glad to help you.

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¿Cuál es la valoración promedio de COOFANDY Men's Casual Busin...?

La valoración promedio de COOFANDY Men's Casual Busin... es 4 (basado en 2701 reviews).


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Todas las órdenes tienen garantía de entrega en Uruguay. Si tu pedido no llegó luego de 60 días de realizada la orden, te devolvemos el total de tu dinero. Tener en cuenta que si la orden queda retenida en aduana por razones ajenas a Tiendamia (ejemplo: exceso de franquicias) no aplica esta garantía.
