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NOUHAUS Heated Classic Massage Chair Full Body and Spot Massaging Recliner with Ottoman, Bluetooth Speaker, in-Chair Charger. Portable Shiatsu Body Massager Chair (Caramel, Leather)

129 Calificaciones
Ash Gray
Dark Caramel
Elder White
Pale Rose

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Nouhaus

Peso con empaque: 113.578 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

AWARD WINNING: Melt tension from your head to your thighs with the N-0003 Classic Massage Chair. It recently won the prestigious Red Dot Award for its “Incomparable Functionality and Aesthetic”. That means, it’s a very sexy ‘everyday’ chair with some ‘Big Massage Chair’ Technology! The Curve-Hugging Massage, Easy Reclining and 90 Degree Rotating Swivel brings luxury to your body, and your living room.
BEST. MASSAGE. EVER! The Classic is nothing like awkward portable chair massagers. Instead, 4 robust rollers on a heavy duty frame knead tight muscles from your neck to the back of your thighs! Select a full body massage, or any precise spot of your choosing. Make it a fast or slow percussive, straight roll, circular kneading - or a mixture! On/off airbags gently massage your hips and glutes if you want!
ONE SEXY LIVING ROOM CHAIR: This massaging chair performs identical to its bigger, more ugly counterparts, but with Design-Difference! This genuine leather accent chair with ottoman is uniquely ‘egg’ shaped with 15° Recline, 90° Swivel and 20” high seat on a Classic Chromed 4 Point Base. It weighs only 62lbs and is a compact 26”x 40”. It’s also one sexy a bedroom chair, tv chair and lounge chair.
MADE FOR EVERY-BODY: The weight capacity is 250lbs and has a max hip width of 15.5”, the detachable head cushion lets you adjust for alignment and neck massage intensity. Inbuilt Bluetooth Speakers allow you to listen to music, or TV during a massage and also functions with massage off. The separate footrest allows for placement anywhere, and helps you recline. It’s Position-Perfect Comfort for everyone.
EASY TO ASSEMBLE: Easy to read instructions included - just push the base to the swivel chair, small base to ottoman, and plug in to start enjoying your first massage in just 10 minutes! So why not try it now, risk free for 30-Days. And when you decide to keep it, you’ll get a 1 Year Warranty (or 3-Year Extended). Try the Nouhaus Classic Massage Chair now for a little Award Winning massage in your home.

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Precio: U$S 2499.99 $ 111.990

Ahorras: U$S 700.00 (29%) $ 31350 (29%)

U$S 1799.99

$ 80.640

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La valoración promedio de NOUHAUS Heated Classic Mass... es 4 (basado en 129 reviews).


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