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Pet Hair Dryer for Small-Sized Dogs and Cats | 2-in-1 Dog Hair Dryer with Self Cleaning Slicker Brush | Dog Blow Dryer | 300 Watts, Overheat Protection, Portable, Adjustable Temperature

1285 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Kuubia

Peso con empaque: 0.580 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

【Dryer & Brush in One】This versatile 2-in-1 pet grooming dryer is the perfect solution for drying your pet with gentle care. Ideal after a bath, a walk in the rain, or on chilly winter days, this combined dryer and brush offers warmth and comfort to your dog. With one smooth motion, you can simultaneously brush and dry your pet.
【Ideal for Small Dogs and Cats】 This portable 300W pet hair dryer is tailor-made for small breeds! Dry your furry friend in just 5-15 minutes, depending on their size and coat length. For the best results, always towel-dry your pet first. Note: this dryer is not suitable for large dogs.
【Pet-Friendly Design with Self-Cleaning Brush】This dog blow dryer operates at a standard noise level of 75-85 dB, which is typical for pet grooming devices and quieter than larger blow dryers. It comes with a self-cleaning slicker brush featuring soft, stainless steel pins with rounded, angled tips, ensuring deep undercoat access without irritating your pet's skin.
【Safe & Comfortable】Equipped with three adjustable heat settings, this dog hair dryer allows you to tailor the drying experience to your pet's needs. Choose the heat level that suits your pet's coat and comfort. Note: Its lower temperature settings prevent overheating, making it safer than human hair dryers for your pet.
【Lightweight, Portable & Easy Hair Removal】Take this pet hair dryer anywhere you go! Weighing just 15 ounces, its compact, travel-friendly design is perfect for on-the-go grooming. The slim, ergonomic handle ensures comfortable use, and with its self-cleaning feature, removing shed hair is a breeze—just press the button, and it’s gone in seconds!

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Precio: U$S 55.98 $ 2.510

Ahorras: U$S 27.99 (50%) $ 1250 (50%)

U$S 27.99

$ 1.260

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La valoración promedio de Pet Hair Dryer for Small-Si... es 4 (basado en 1285 reviews).


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