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Cheers devices

CHEERS DEVICES Blue Light Blocking Glasses for Kids Boys Girls Teens - Computer Glasses with Unbreakable Frame and Anti-Glare

321 Calificaciones
* 5 Pair Mix-a , Age 8-16 | Blue Light Glasses
* 5 Pair Mix-b , Age 3-8 | Blue Light Glasses

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Cheers devices

Peso con empaque: 0.355 kg

Producto sin devolución

Producto de: Amazon


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Precio: U$S 13.29 $ 600

Ahorras: U$S 3.30 (25%) $ 150 (25%)

U$S 9.99

$ 450

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Más detalles del producto

Introducing the CHEERS DEVICES Blue Light Glasses for Kids Boys Girls Teens - the ultimate solution to protect young eyes from harmful blue light emitted by digital screens. As the digital age advances, children and teens are increasingly exposed to screens, whether it be for educational purposes or recreational activities. CHEERS DEVICES Blue Light Glasses feature an unbreakable frame, ensuring durability and longevity, even for the most active children. These clear glasses for kids come with an anti-glare coating that reduces eye strain and enhances visual clarity. Our blue light glasses for kids are not just functional but also fashionable. Available in various designs, including boys' fashion and cute blue light glasses, they appeal to all tastes. Whether your child prefers the classic look of clear glasses, the trendy style of fake glasses, or the playful charm of Hello Kitty glasses, CHEERS DEVICES has something to offer. The lenses of our kids' blue light glasses effectively filter out blue light, making them ideal for screen glasses, reading glasses for kids, and even gaming glasses for kids. They are perfect for children aged 8-12, teens, and even toddlers with options like toddler blue light glasses for ages 2-3. These glasses are also suitable for specific needs, such as dyslexia glasses and kids reading glasses. Our product range includes options for boys and girls, such as boys' blue light glasses and girls' blue light glasses aged 10-12. For those looking for a touch of color, we offer red blue light glasses and pink blue light glasses. CHEERS DEVICES Blue Light Glasses are more than just eyewear; they are a commitment to your child's eye health. Whether you need blue light glasses for kids aged 12-14, blue light glasses for gaming. Equip your child with the best in eye protection and style with CHEERS DEVICES Blue Light Glasses for Kids Boys Girls Teens. Protect their vision today and ensure a brighter, clearer tomorrow.

Más información para tu compra de CHEERS DEVICES Blue Light B...


¿Cuál es la valoración promedio de CHEERS DEVICES Blue Light B...?

La valoración promedio de CHEERS DEVICES Blue Light B... es 4 (basado en 321 reviews).


¿A qué tienda pertenece este producto?

CHEERS DEVICES Blue Light B... pertenece al catálogo de Amazon


¿Cuánto demora el envío de CHEERS DEVICES Blue Light B...?

Los tiempos de envió pueden variar según el producto. Recibí CHEERS DEVICES Blue Light B... en tu casa en un tiempo de más de 26 dias.


¿Este producto tiene garantía de entrega?

Todas las órdenes tienen garantía de entrega en Uruguay. Si tu pedido no llegó luego de 60 días de realizada la orden, te devolvemos el total de tu dinero. Tener en cuenta que si la orden queda retenida en aduana por razones ajenas a Tiendamia (ejemplo: exceso de franquicias) no aplica esta garantía.
