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Pregnancy Pillow J Shaped Full Body Pillow with Velvet Cover Grey Maternity Pillow for Pregnant Women,57 inch Full Body Pillows

2385 Calificaciones
Blue C
Dark Gray
Green C
Grey C
Pink C

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Jcickt

Peso con empaque: 3.264 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

SOFT C SHAPED BODY PILLOW: Soft removable and washable velvet cover make you comfortable all night. 100% PP Cotton,this unique filling without smelling of the body pillow with cover provides comfort for sleeping and retains fluffiness for better performance and longer use.
FULL BODY PILLOW for ALL: Compared to other Preganancy Body Pillow, the C-shaped body pillow is not only a Maternity Pillow for sleeping designed for pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers, but also a full body pillow for adults suffering from hip pain, fibromyalgia, sciatica, poor posture, athletes, people in physical therapy or recovering from an injury, and anyone looking to get better sleep.
MULTI-FUNCTIONAL PILLOW: The Full Body Maternity Pillow creates is multiple positions for reading, watching TV, sleeping or just relaxing to get more support. Also, makes for a perfect nursing pillow the keeps the baby supported and elevated while mom's back is still cushioned.
BEST MATERNITY PILLOW: Our C Shaped Body Pillow supports your back, hips, knees, neck and head to prevent and relieve sciatica, heartburn, and lower back pain;Eases you into better sleep, reducing interruptions throughout the night.
RELIEVE PREGNANCY BODY PAIN. Our Velvet Body Pillow can help you into a quality sleep, reducing interruptions all night and helping relieve back pain, hips pain, and lower back pain. Also, pillow is foldable into multiple position to elevate your leg to improve blood circulation. Relieving pregnancy swelling is so important for pregnant women.

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SKU: B09164Y8TZ

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Precio: U$S 39.75 $ 1.790

Ahorras: U$S 9.86 (25%) $ 450 (25%)

U$S 29.89

$ 1.340

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La valoración promedio de Pregnancy Pillow J Shaped F... es 4 (basado en 2385 reviews).


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Los tiempos de envió pueden variar según el producto. Recibí Pregnancy Pillow J Shaped F... en tu casa en un tiempo de entre 5 y 11 dias.


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