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Soccer Ball - Premium Boy and Girl Official Match Ball with Cool Reflective Iridescent Rainbow Hex Pattern, Durable, Indoor, Outdoor, Training, Practice, Playtime and Games

1537 Calificaciones
Black & Gold
Black & Silver
Black & White
Silver, Black & Gold
White & Gold
White & Silver

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Barocity

Peso con empaque: 0.590 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

THE BLACK SOCCER BALL SIZE 4 COMES WITH A UNIQUE DESIGN YOU WILL LOVE – Enjoy soccer practice with Barocity soccer balls! Ball panels covered with iridescent hexagon pattern with reflective rainbow, allowing it to be seen during light and night games. Kids soccer ball can take on rough play; is durable, soft, and has great bounce for practice sessions. Premium soccer ball perfect for strong kicks, ideal for official matches and training.
THE BLACKEN SOCCER BALL IS FOR SOCCER BEGINNERS AND EXPERTS - Barocity's Black soccer training ball fits all soccer players of all skill levels. Whether you are practicing your soccer skills, a newbie, or already an expert, all soccer lovers will love to add Barocity's black soccer ball to their collection of soccer equipment for training and matches. Women and Mens soccer ball is easy-to-spot visibly shiny and sparkly. Size 4 for all ages.
INCLUDED IN THE PURCHASE OF THE PROFESSIONAL BLACK BALL FOR SOCCER - Includes 1 Barocity iridescent Black Modern Pattern Size 4 Soccer Ball. The cool Black and multi-colored modern hex design of the youth soccer ball is appealing and fun to play with in the field. Item arrives as a deflated soccer ball for easy, quick inflation. Barocity's men and women soccer ball measures 7.5Lx7.5Wx7.5H inches, perfect soccer ball trainer size for kids and adults.
HIGH-QUALITY BLACK SOCCER BALL SIZE 4 – The blacken standard soccer ball's pvc synthetic covering gives an incredible feel and is lightweight, resulting in better regulation; a curving soccer ball easy to kick and score. Scuff and abrasion-free even on rough surfaces and in the backyard. The premium all weather soccer ball preserves its design making it ideal for indoor and outdoors training. Girls and boys soccer ball withstands rough games.
IDEAL USE FOR THE BLACK COOL DESIGN SOCCER BALL STANDARD SIZE 4 - With the official soccer match ball's medium weight and amazing ball flight, easily score goals while playing, make it the ideal outdoor and indoor soccer ball. Quality lining for official matches and practice training. Enjoy the bounce, softness, and control the trajectory of your kicks. Take it with you to soccer practice the park, fun school games, and for official matches.

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Precio: U$S 26.56 $ 1.190

Ahorras: U$S 6.59 (25%) $ 290 (25%)

U$S 19.97

$ 900

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