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The beadsmith

The Beadsmith Pure Silk Cord – Black Color – Size 0 (0.152mm/0.0006”) – 600 Yards (1800ft), 1/2-Ounce Spool – for Knotting Pearls, Gemstones, Crystals and Beads

563 Calificaciones
Navy Blue
Raspberry Cream
Royal Blue

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: The beadsmith

Peso con empaque: 0.355 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

PURE SILK: Highly regarded as the finest natural fiber in the world, this 100% pure silk is smooth with a luxurious feel. This twisted three-ply cord that has a soft sheen and is extremely supple. Silk is easy to dye, providing many color options.
HIGH QUALITY: This natural silk is a size 0, which measures 0.152mm (0.0006 inches) in diameter. The half-ounce spool is 600 yards (1800 feet) in length and is wound on a 2.25” x 1.32” bobbin. This thread is black in color.
RELIABLE CRAFTSMANSHIP: Use this silk cord for knotting pearls, gemstones, crystals and beads in necklaces or bracelets. The thread is durable enough to withstand scratching, stretching, and wear & tear, making it optimal for jewelry making.
CRAFTING THREAD: Pure Silk is regularly used in fiber arts and needle crafting. Tassels making is done with silk. It is often used in embroidery and sewing, to create buttonholes and tailoring. Hand quilting can be done with a needle and silk thread.
THE BEADSMITH: 40 years in the making! 💎 Trusted to bring you the best quality beads, tools, and supplies. Making jewelry should be a positive experience. Let us join you in the creative journey. Our experts are here to help. Your satisfaction is important to us. Contact us with any quality issues or concerns.

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SKU: B0992Q249X

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Precio: U$S 22.04 $ 990

Ahorras: U$S 7.05 (32%) $ 320 (32%)

U$S 14.99

$ 670

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Más detalles del producto

When you want to create delicate and luxurious necklaces or bracelets, our silk cord is perfect for knotting beads, pearls, or gemstones. The thread is plied from 100% pure silk and is made from twisted 3-ply cords. The material is luxurious, soft, and supple. However, the fine thread is extremely durable and stretch-resistant, making it perfect for knotting pearls, gemstones, and beads in your craft and beading projects. Each silk spool comes on 1/2-ounce spools—plenty for all your creations. We offer our silk spools in a variety of colors, so you can get cord in all the colors you need for your projects. Our cord passes through most beads, pearls, and adornments for your crafting projects. This cord is easy to tie as well, and the knots remain virtually invisible. With this string, you can create durable pieces of high-quality jewelry. With this silk cord, your homemade jewelry and crafts will retain a professional look for years to come. String and knot the thread to craft unique jewelry creations or to repair existing pieces. The Beadsmith pure silk cord is a great option to re-string or repair your existing jewelry. Unlock your creativity and manipulate this fine thread to make jewelry pieces for your own collection or to add to someone else's jewelry accessories. This versatile thread is great for beginners and advanced jewelry makers alike. Show someone how much you care by making a personalized statement pearl necklace or bracelet. Handmade beaded or pearl jewelry pieces make great gifts for friends or loved ones for Christmas, graduations, birthdays, weddings, or other special occasions. Add this jewelry string to your crafting supplies today and unlock your artistic talents.

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