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KastKing Spartacus II Fishing Reel - New Spinning Reel – Sealed Carbon Fiber 22LBs Max Drag - 7+1 Stainless BB for Saltwater or Freshwater – Gladiator Inspired Design – Great Features

1774 Calificaciones
Spindrift IPX5
Stryker Green

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Kastking

Peso con empaque: 0.550 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

NEW DESIGN - Like its gladiator name, the brand new designed KastKing Spartacus II spinning reels are built tough to handle any fishing conditions, whether used as a saltwater spinning reel or freshwater reel. Spartacus II reels are superb lightweight fishing reels built with a reinforced nylon body and rotor!
SMOOTH OPERATION - You will love Spartacus II spinning reel's ultra-smooth, reliable 22 lbs of triple disc carbon fiber drag that allows you to use light fishing lines, oversized stainless-steel main shaft, and strong metal gears for more durability.
K.I.S.S. – Spartacus II spinning reels are sealed with a KISS! Spartacus II has a unique water resistant design for its spool, rotor and body - K.I.S.S. (KastKing Intrusion Shield System). It helps keep water and dirt out of your reel for nonstop fishing action and long life.
DURABILITY - With its Hamai cut precision gears, 7+ 1 stainless steel shielded ball bearings, brass pinion gear, ceramic line roller, stainless steel hardware, sealed spool, and built with KastKing Affordable Innovation, the KastKing Spartacus II Spinning Reel is a winner on any body of water.
HIGH END LOOKS and PERFORMANCE – With a sophisticated color scheme including stryker green, chartreuse and black with a sure grip EVA knob Spartacus II is a standout and a lightweight workhorse. Gear ratios are 5.2 for the 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 with performance that you would expect from a much more expensive brand.

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SKU: B09B73Y63P

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Precio: U$S 54.98 $ 2.470

Ahorras: U$S 10.99 (20%) $ 490 (20%)

U$S 43.99

$ 1.980

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La valoración promedio de KastKing Spartacus II Fishi... es 4 (basado en 1774 reviews).


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