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Tw lighting

Blue Lamp for Boys Bedrooms - Modern Small Table Lamp for Bedroom, Bedside Nightstand, Nursery, Cute Kids Lamp with USB Charging Port, 3-Level Touch Dimmable Switch

398 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Tw lighting

Peso con empaque: 1.087 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

✅[Instant-On Touch Dimmer] We triple the utility of this compact and attractive small table lamp by providing 3 levels levels of brightness for convenience and comfort. The low-level setting is ideal for any time you want to kick back and relax. Need to study? The mid-level lighting puts eyes on your topic. While the high-level setting from this touch lamp with usb facilitates hours of work or reading with beautifully efficient illumination.
✅[Non-Glare] Our 3 way touch table lamp is a one-type-fits-all, because unlike some touch table lamps on the market, it’s safe for your vision no matter what age you are. Healthful for both youthful and aging eyes, this ultra modern nightstand lamp is the ultimate easy on the eyes – both to look at and in the way it delivers clean non-glare lighting. The kind of lighting that’s soothing to be around.
✅[USB Charger] Imagine a dimmable lamp for bedrooms, dorm rooms, or nursery that comes equipped with this kind of perk. This touch table lamp has a USB charger that affords an easy access port to fast-charging your phone or device. It’s another helpful convenience provided by a light source that you can literally use anywhere. Don’t be surprised if the first call you make is to tell your friends all about it.
✅[A PERFECT GIFT FOR FRIENDS AND FAMILY] Available in blue, pink, purple, and white, this bedside lamp with USB can match any room. And the way the light illumines the shade, whichever one you pick will dress up any décor. Blue and pink, of course, go-to color choices for a nursery. A bedside table lamp as sleek and attractive as it is a perfect light source.
✅[Energy Saving Cool LED] To look at this lovely table lamp with white shade and luxuriate in its light, you would never guess that it uses as little as 3 watts, and only 7 watts at full brightness. Compare that to a lamp in the average household drawing on 60 watts. That’s good for your household and good for the planet. No wonder we call an energy saving cool LED a bright idea.

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Precio: U$S 75.90 $ 3.400

Ahorras: U$S 37.95 (50%) $ 1700 (50%)

U$S 37.95

$ 1.700

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La valoración promedio de Blue Lamp for Boys Bedrooms... es 4 (basado en 398 reviews).


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