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Amber oasis

Small Metal Trellis for Indoor Plants, Mini Trellis for Potted Plants, Mini Plant Trellis for Hoya, Pothos, Monstera, Set of 4 Iron Stakes with Copper Colored Rust-Proof Powder Coating

104 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Amber oasis

Peso con empaque: 0.551 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon


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Precio: U$S 25.43 $ 1.150

Ahorras: U$S 8.48 (33%) $ 380 (33%)

U$S 16.95

$ 770

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Más detalles del producto

About this item: Trellis for Climbing Plants Indoor: This metal trellis for potted plants comes in 4 different irregular shapes. The plant trellis for hoya is designed for potted climbers plants, small trellis for potted plants supports wayward stems and drooping branches well, which will better supports and helps plants grow to their best condition, gold metal trellis for pots prevents stem breakage and prolongs plant life. Metal Garden Trellis Set: You will get 4 plant metal indoor trellis of different sizes and shapes. Small plant trellis is suitable for most small to medium climbing plants in the garden. Great for decorating your internal space, mini trellis for climbing plants outdoor indoor recommended for 5 - 8 inch flowerpot size. Metal Plant Trellis: Our small potted plant trellis are made of premium iron, which is strong, non-rusting, not easy to break and bend. The indoor plant trellis surface is coated with a copper coating, delicate and shiny. The plant trellis for climbing plants indoor can support climbing plants or for houseplant decoration. Easy to Use: These mini trellis for potted plants are easy to install and without additional tools. Flower trellis set plug and play, just insert the bottom of the house plant trellis into the soil and your climbers plants will wrap around the copper plant trellis to prevent them from falling or breaking. Over time, you'll get a healthy and lush potted plant. Make your plants stand tall and nice! Wide Application: Our small metal trellis for indoor plants are perfect for supporting most climbing plants, such as vines, Hoya, roses, creeping fig, morning glories, philodendrons, peas, ivy vines, jasmine and other climbing plants and indoor small potted plants. Metal plant trellis indoor is a ideal gift that given for plant lovers, family or friends.

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La valoración promedio de Small Metal Trellis for Ind... es 4 (basado en 104 reviews).


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