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Action Cameras Accessory Kit, Bonvvie 50-in-1 Sports Camera Accessory Kit Compatible with Hero 13/12/11/10/9/8/7 Black, Max/Fusion, Insta360 Osmo Action SJCAM SJ6000 SJ5000 Campark REMALI

538 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Bonvvie

Peso con empaque: 1.319 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

❤ Great Compatibility: The action camera accessory kit is Compatible with Max, Hero 12 11 10, Hero 9 Black, Hero 8 Black, Hero Silver/White/Session, and earlier models; Also works with SJ4000 SJ5000 SJ6000, DJI Osmo Action Cam, Insta 360, APEMAN, SJCAM, Campark, and other brands. The accessory kit is suitable for Vlog, Skiing, Cycling, Canoe, Diving, Skydiving, Swimming, Surfing, Biking, Climbing, Snowboarding, and other outdoor high-speed sports activities.
❤Adjustable Chest Strap + Wrist Strap + Helmet Strap: The flexible chest belt strap is used to equip your action camera comfortably. The wrist strap with a screw can fix your action camera on the strap, the angle can be adjusted freely. A vented Helmet Strap helps to attach an action camera to the forehead, which provides a wider angle and horizon.
❤ Bicycle Handlebar Mount: Securely attaches camera housing to bike or motorcycle handlebar, seat post, fork, boom, roll bar or other objects with diameters of 1.9cm-3.6cm(0.75”-1.4”); Comes with three-way adjustable pivot arm, ensuring you to get the angle you want. Suction cup provides a broad range of motion and stability; Attach your camera securely to Smooth Surfaces, like windshield, porcelain tile, fish tanks, other glassware etc.
❤Flexible Tripod + Selfie Stick: The flexible tripod can be adjusted to your desired height and angle, and will hold steady to capture the shot in most any environment, great for recording and documenting while adventuring and for sports and on-the-go; The selfie stick can be extended from 22cm to 97cm, easy to carry and store. It is suitable for taking selfies and videos.
❤Other Accessories: Floating Handle Grip is suitable for underwater photographing, such as swimming, diving, surfing and other more sports. The Carrying Case is shockproof with EVA interior compartments. It's very convenient to keep all accessories together. Anti-fog Inserts could absorb moisture to prevent lens fogging. Wrench Spanner Screw Tool helps to open the waterproof case since the hand is very slippery after diving.

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Precio: U$S 26.83 $ 1.210

Ahorras: U$S 4.84 (18%) $ 220 (18%)

U$S 21.99

$ 990

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La valoración promedio de Action Cameras Accessory Ki... es 4 (basado en 538 reviews).


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