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Baby Shark My First Friend 3 Button Sound Book with Handle, Children's Sound Books, Interactive Learning Books for Toddlers, Learning & Education Toys, Baby Shark Gifts for Babies

771 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Pinkfong

Peso con empaque: 0.390 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

Explore the ocean with Baby Shark and learn how he makes his very first friend, William! Kids will enjoy pressing the buttons to hear conversational sounds from the two characters and singing along to the iconic 'Baby Shark Dance' song for an interactive, musical experience. A back to school-themed story to teach toddlers how to make friends at a playdate or at school.
Official Pinkfong Baby Shark sound book that includes 3 press-play buttons with 10 colorfully illustrated pages on non-glaring, highly durable board book. 3 buttons play 1 full-singing 'Baby Shark Dance' song (doo doo doo doo doo!), plus 2 conversational interactive sounds. Features a bright, yellow take-along handle for babies to have a tactile experience with story time and carry the song book wherever they go.
Features children's favorite song with quality sound, child-friendly designs for kids, take along handle, and two AAA batteries securely placed under the safety lock cover. Note: Please pull the white tab out of the back of the book before use. Sound buttons require a firm push in exact location to work, which may require assistance for young children.
Perfect gifts for boys and girls on any occasion - birthdays, parties, baby showers, road trips, playtime, bedtime, holidays, and more! Enhance bonding time with your kid(s) through Pinkfong sound books. Starring the award-winning Baby Shark, Mommy Shark, Daddy Shark, Grandma Shark, Grandpa Shark, and William, this is a perfect addition to a little one's toy collection!

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Precio: U$S 14.58 $ 660

Ahorras: U$S 2.63 (18%) $ 120 (18%)

U$S 11.95

$ 540

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La valoración promedio de Baby Shark My First Friend... es 4 (basado en 771 reviews).


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