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Ktaxon 5 String Electric Bass Guitar, Full Size Standard Right Handed Rosewood Fretboard Bass Kit with Gig Bag Strap Cable Wrench Tool (Burlywood)

259 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Ktaxon

Peso con empaque: 4.760 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

QUALITY MATERIALS: 5-string bass guitar features basswood body with glossy finish, which provides more stable performance and longer lasting. Custom designed and hand crafted with a rosewood fretboard and maple neck for comfortable playing and smooth feeling
SUPERIOR SOUND: This right handed bass guitar offers excellent specifications for students and musicians of all levels. The starter bass guitar have two single-coil pickup, 2 volume and 2 tone control knobs to create fuller bass effect and full range of tones. Compare with 4 string bass, this 5 string bass has an extra B string, making it more suitable for pop music
GOOD PLAYING FEEL: The streamlined neck with narrow width design provides comfortable playability and reduce fatigue when playing or practicing. 24 frets are carefully sanded to make sure they are smooth and won't hurt your hands. The steel strings are smooth and delicate to the touch and have less frictional resistance when playing
ENCLOSED TUNING MACHINES: Closed metal tuner and tuning peg allow for more accurate tuning while being more wear resistant and glossy. Through-body fixed bridge with slotted saddles effectively transfers the vibrations of the strings to the body for maximum resonance
COMPLETE ACCESSORIES: No need to purchase any additional accessories. The full size bass kit comes with picks, cable and wrench tool. This electric bass beginner kit has a beautiful appearance and perfect sound that is the best choices for holiday gift

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SKU: B0B716G17F

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Precio: U$S 132.97 $ 5.960

Ahorras: U$S 32.99 (25%) $ 1480 (25%)

U$S 99.98

$ 4.480

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La valoración promedio de Ktaxon 5 String Electric Ba... es 4 (basado en 259 reviews).


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