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Blau grun

Auto Exhaust Wrap for Motorcycle, 16FT Titanium Fiberglass Hose Heat Shield Roll Sleeve with 4PCS Stainless Ties, Universal for Car Wire Loom Brake Line Cable Protection (Red)

201 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Blau grun

Peso con empaque: 0.355 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

Efficient Protection: The wire heat shield wrap for car wire can help to prevent vapor lock, protect spark plug wires from melting, and protect sensitive wire looms from close proximity heat, shielding brake lines and hose and stopping clutch cables from melting.
Top Material: Titanium exhaust wrap, made from pulverized lava rock and stranded into a fiber material, and woven into a proprietary weave. Titanium wrap is engineered to be stronger than most wraps and more durable for improved thermal performance and reliability, withstanding 1400-degree Fahrenheit direct heat and 2000-degree intermittent heat.
Easy to Install: Start wrapping the primary tube tightly at the exhaust port and secure it with a DEI stainless steel locking tie, hose clamp, or safety wire. Testing has shown that utilizing a 1/4" overlap produces the best results without adversely affecting headers and tubing.
Size & Universal: A roll of 16FT/5m long and 0.19" wide titanium exhaust heat wrap roll is a universal accessory for automobiles and motorcycles. It can be easily cut to the proper length for each spark plug boot/wires.
Quality Warranty: Wrap will smoke and you will smell it burning off for the first hour or 2, after that the smell will gone. It isn't burning. The smoke comes from wax (there is wax in the wrap while producing). The wrap will not catch fire. Please don't worry.

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Precio: U$S 13.29 $ 600

Ahorras: U$S 3.30 (25%) $ 150 (25%)

U$S 9.99

$ 450

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Más detalles del producto

Features: - Brand new 100% fiberglass can withstands 1400°F direct/2000°F intermittent heat. - Reduce under-hood temperatures by 50%. Protect other under-hood components Help protect the driver's right arm in karting activities.- Help protect legs from burns due to the header pipe in Motorcycles.- Package also includes 4 silvery stainless steel quick ties to aid securing the wrap in place . Please notice:- Before installing, please soak the wrap in water so that the fiber will not fly all around.- Please wear long sleeves, gloves and mask when handling. Fiber will make you itchy and uncomfortable.- Wrap will smoke and you will smell it burning off for the first hour or 2, after that the smell will gone. It isn't burning. The smoke comes from wax (there is wax in the wrap while producing). The wrap will not catch fire. Please don't worry.

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La valoración promedio de Auto Exhaust Wrap for Motor... es 3 (basado en 201 reviews).


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