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Piano Notes Guide for Beginner, Removable Piano Keyboard Note Labels for Learning, 88-Key Full Size, Made of Silicone, No Need Stickers, Reusable and Comes with Box (Classic Black)

3599 Calificaciones
Classic Black
Rainbow Colors

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Beatbit

Peso con empaque: 0.355 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

NO STICKERS REQUIRED:The BEATBIT Note Strip is made of silicone, and connects the labels in series, so there is no need to stick to the keys like piano stickers. Easy-to-install, Easy-to-remove, without leaving any residue, and keeping your keyboard clean and tidy.
DOUBLE STAFF SHEET:Showing the note of each key with double staff, which helps to find the corresponding key from the keyboard faster, because all piano scores use the treble and bass staff structure.
BEGINNER FRIENDLY:You don't need to know the names of the keys or where the Middle C is, you just need to put the note strips on the piano keyboard. Done in seconds!
REMOVABLE & REUSABLE:When you start to know the keys and become familiar with the octave rule, you can remove the note strips from the keyboard. Of course, if you feel that you are not skilled enough, you can put it back at any time.
FIT 88/61-KEY:Perfect for grand pianos, upright pianos, 88-key、61-key digital pianos and keyboards.

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Precio: U$S 22.04 $ 990

Ahorras: U$S 7.05 (32%) $ 310 (32%)

U$S 14.99

$ 680

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