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Yes4All Cable Machine Attachment, Tricep Straight Bar, V Bar, LAT Pulldown Attachments/Accessories Load 880lbs for Home Gym

6580 Calificaciones
A. Straight Bar - Chrome
B. Straight Bar - Black
C. Double D Handle + Vshape Bar with Rubber
E. V Bar - Chrome
F. V Bar - Rubber
G. (Black) Tricep Rope + Double D + Straight Bar + V Bar
L. (Chrome) Tricep Rope + Straight Bar

Disponibilidad: Fuera de stock

Marca: Yes4all

Peso con empaque: 7.940 kg

Producto sin devolución

Producto de: Amazon

ANTI SLIP RUBBER TEXTURE: The textured rubber handle provides a secure grip and balanced force to both arms when attached to any exercise equipment; This can help prevent physical damage during training at home or in the gym
COMMERCIAL QUALITY: The cable machine accessories can support up to 880 Pound; It is made of gloss black steel with powder coating to prevent corrosion and rust, so you can expect it to last for years
MULTI WORKOUTS: You can use these when you want to focus on one or both areas at once or use them as an additional modality in your routine; This helps develop great body muscles: Triceps, biceps, back, shoulders, and grip strength
MULTI APPLICATIONS: This gym cable attachment fits with any pulley system, lat machine, ab machine, or home gym training equipment; It's a versatile tool that can be used in several ways to help build your upper body strength
ALL LEVEL APPLIED: It can be used for all gym levels, from beginner to professional; this exercise equipment will help you focus on the target muscle groups rather than putting unnecessary stress on the joints

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Este producto viaja > USA > Tus Manos

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La valoración promedio de Yes4All Cable Machine Attac... es 4 (basado en 6580 reviews).


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