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ToughBuilt Utility Knife + 2 Blade Mags, (TB-H4S2-03)

132 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Toughbuilt

Peso con empaque: 0.407 kg

Producto sin devolución

Producto de: Amazon

INNOVATIVE DESIGN - ToughBuilt leads through innovation, and the Reload Utility Knife is a breakaway example of how we continue to disrupt markets that have remained unchanged for far too long.
SIMPLE INTERFACE - With a simple press of the mag release, a positive, loaded magazine ejection drops mags clear from the tool or into an open hand, and a new magazine can be loaded inside, making a switch from one kind of blade to another a flash. Replacement of worn blades is safe and straightforward with a one-button blade-release function to extract used blades before charging in a fresh one by simply retracting the actuator, and flicking it back in the upward position.
BUILT FOR PROS - Designed for rigorous cross-platform use, positive quality construction featuring smooth aluminum alloy and zinc alloy for corrosion resistance and is wrapped in rugged, and grippy, non-slip rubber soft-touch housing protects the tool from shocks and drops while creating a more dexterous hand purchase on the instrument.
The integrated finger ridge guard helps keep Pros safe while cutting robust materials. It includes a five-pack of ToughBuilt universal straight-edge blades and a five-pack of ToughBuilt’s specialized hook blades, which use a sharp, precision-milled proprietary edge design.
The patented quick-reloading blade mechanism is actuated by a positive, smooth, rail-driven thumb button; after removing a used blade, depressing the slider, and returning it with a flick, it loads a new blade from the magazine. Internally, each mag holds 5 blades of any type, while the lower chamber reservoir contains room for an additional 10 blades in storage, giving each mag a category-leading 15-blade payload.

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Precio: U$S 27.16 $ 1.220

Ahorras: U$S 2.17 (8%) $ 90 (8%)

U$S 24.99

$ 1.130

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La valoración promedio de ToughBuilt Utility Knife +... es 4 (basado en 132 reviews).


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