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Fy wisdom fly lighting

4PK 12 Inch LED Flush Mount Ceiling Lights, 24W, 2500LM, 3000K/4000K/6000K CCT Selectable, Round Flat Panel Lights for Hallway, Kitchen, Bedroom, Laundry Room

395 Calificaciones
Square -2PK
Square -6PK
Dimmable Round-6PK

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Fy wisdom fly lighting

Peso con empaque: 0.860 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

CCT Selectable:This flush mount ceiling light fixture has 3 color temperatures optional:3000K/4000K/6000K, you can set your favorite color directly on the fixture before installation.
Sealed Slim LED Flat Panel Ceiling Lights: With a height of only 0.98 inches, it is ideal for low ceilings rooms like bedroom, apartment, attic, and it is well sealed to prevent dust and flying objects from entering, provie great performs in wet conditions.
Quality Light Source: Use blue light filter technology LED as light source, while use Nano soft light coverage to provide 360°wide uniform lighting, provides you with soft, even, and non-glaring light, ideal for home/office/school lighting.
Energy Savings: This is a integrated LED flush mount ceiling light, shine 2500LM with only 24W power, 24W LED is equivalent to a traditional 150W fluorescent flush mount ceiling lamp, and it saves a great deal of electricity cost. Modern ceiling light provides great lighting performance.More light, less energy.
COST-EFFECTIVE: Outstand product accompanied with high quality services, we promise 3 years replacement if anything goes wrong.

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Precio: U$S 53.19 $ 2.380

Ahorras: U$S 13.20 (25%) $ 590 (25%)

U$S 39.99

$ 1.790

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La valoración promedio de 4PK 12 Inch LED Flush Mount... es 4 (basado en 395 reviews).


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