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5 Pieces Acrylic Mirror Wall Stickers Natural Wall Decor Self Adhesive Mirrors Stickers Moon Phase Mirror Bohemian Wall Decoration for Home Living Room Bathroom Bedroom Decor (20cm)

1742 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Aooyaoo

Peso con empaque: 0.355 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

🌙Materials - Moon Phases Mirror Sets made of imitation wood and acrylic panels, not like ordinary mirrors to fragile easily, also not have the same imaging effect of mirror, they just become decorations to increase more beauty and energy for your life. Please remove the protective film of the mirror when you fix them on the wall.
🌙How To Use - Please paste on the smooth wall surface with free stickers, such as plastic surface, smooth wallpaper, smooth glass, wooden surface, ceramic tile surface, metal surface, latex paint wall surface; do not use on the powder coated wall surface.
🌙Bright & Spacious - They can easily reflect the surrounding light and make your home feel brighter and more spacious. You can also make the satellite both outward and inward by switching the orientation around the crescent moon. Only five pcs but have endless possibilities.
🌙Free Combination: Five different moon phase shapes can be combined as needed, or they can be deleted and pasted to decorate various parts of the house. The moon-shaped acrylic plate mirror stickers,Paste them on the smooth wall such as plastic surface are made of non-toxic and harmless materials, so you don’t have to worry about the smell
🌙Perfect Gift: Our wall mirrors are ideal gift for Christmas, birthday, holiday, housewarming, school day and anniversary. Suitable for all kinds of rooms, such as bohemian, modern, urban and rustic farmhouse.These mirrors are the perfect complement to all moon lovers' rooms and are a great spiritual home decoration!

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Precio: U$S 15.98 $ 720

Ahorras: U$S 7.99 (50%) $ 360 (50%)

U$S 7.99

$ 360

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La valoración promedio de 5 Pieces Acrylic Mirror Wal... es 4 (basado en 1742 reviews).


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