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Dog Water Bottle with Food Container, Travel Puppy Water Bowl, Portable Pet Dispenser, Dog Stuff Accessories Items, Puppy Essentials Necessities for Yorkie Chihuahua Cat Walking and Hiking

2637 Calificaciones
#01 Blue
#02 Indigo
#03 Dark Blue
#04 Pink
#05 Pinkish Orange
#06 Purple
#07 Green
#08 Dark Green
#09 White
#10 Gray
#11 Red
#12 Yellow

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Cibaabo

Peso con empaque: 0.418 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

Dog Water Bottle & Treat Container: Compare with the common dog water bottle, there is a 100g food container closely attach to the bowl of water bottle. It provides both clean water and fresh food when you go out with your pets.
Optional Colors & Water Capacity: There are multiple fashion colors and different capacity of water-10oz(300ml) and 19oz(550ml). 10oz water is enough for puppies and small pets walking, 19oz is needed for large dogs travelling and hiking.
Leak Proof Lock & Carbon Filter: There is build-in silicone loop between bowl and bottle to perfectly prevent water from leakage. ALWAYS REMEMBER to turn the lock to right after use. Also carbon filter inside make the water more clean and fresh.
Easy to Use & No waste water: Turn left and press hold the lock button, the water in the bottle can flow to bowl or flow back to bottle slowly, no waste of water. All operations can be finished by one hand, easy to use.
Safe and Heat Resistant Material & Widely Uses: The dog water bottle is made of food grade ABS+PC, BPA free material. 250℉/121℃ affordable and dishwasher safe. It’s suitable for walking, travelling, picnic, camping, hiking, training with your pets.

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Precio: U$S 22.02 $ 990

Ahorras: U$S 7.04 (32%) $ 310 (32%)

U$S 14.98

$ 680

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La valoración promedio de Dog Water Bottle with Food... es 5 (basado en 2637 reviews).


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