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Merax Modern 7 Piece Dining Room Table and Chairs Set for 6 Metal Kitchen Table Set for Saving Space, Golden White

47 Calificaciones
Black White
Golden White
White Cherry

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Merax

Peso con empaque: 6.180 kg

Producto sin devolución

Producto de: Amazon

Modern 7 Pieces Dining Table Set: The marble texture tabletop has a wide ellipse shape to accommodate groups of people for both family dinners and dinner parties. The architectural pedestal base has caged legs that provide an modern flair to the design. The luxurious and durable design of this ellipse dining table set makes it ideal for the ultra-modern interior design.
Faux Marble Dining Table Set for 6: The small kitchen table and chairs set features an imitation marble finish with straight lines and a bright, shiny finish, adding a modern and elegant to the home and blending perfectly into any decor. This dining set includes 1 marble dining table and 6 chairs, perfect for home dining room or office use with enough space for 6 people.
Stable Iron Base Dining Table: The 7 pieces dining table set of the table is proudly constructed from a thicker high-grade MDF board, which is tasteless to prevent scratch, and waterproof. And iron for the table legs for superior durability and strength.
Elegant Dining Chairs: Elevate your dining experience with this 7-piece dining set, complete with unique triangular-shaped seats and semi-circular backrests for maximum comfort and style. Each chair features a sleek and modern design, perfectly complementing the contemporary look of the table.
Easy Assembly: With straight forward instructions, dining table set is easy and quick to assemble. Table:55x31.5x29.5inch(LxWxH); Middle Chair:15x15.4x28.3inch(LxWxH); Triangular Chair:15x15x28.3inch(LxWxH).

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Precio: U$S 425.57 $ 19.070

Ahorras: U$S 105.59 (25%) $ 4730 (25%)

U$S 319.98

$ 14.340

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La valoración promedio de Merax Modern 7 Piece Dining... es 4 (basado en 47 reviews).


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