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Baby Nest, Baby Lounger, Organic Cotton Lounger for Baby, Reversible Breathable Adjustable Portable - Star Collection (Gray)

458 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Aila+aiden

Peso con empaque: 1.795 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

👼[Comfortable for all] Versatile and cozy baby lounger. A must have for new parents seeking a safe and comfortable option for their little one. With its ergonomic design, ideal choice for a comfortable and secure environment for your baby. Offers maximum comfort for parents, allowing them to keep their baby close. CAUTION: NOT intended to used as a sleeping device. Always ensure adult supervision during use.
♻️[All Around Protection ] Made from soft organic breathable cotton, providing the ultimate comfort for your baby's delicate skin. Our baby nest lounger cover and pad offers extra support for your baby's head and neck, ensuring they are always comfortable and well-rested. With its multi-functional design, newborn lounger is a portable making it a practical choice for parents. CPSC Tested and Compliant(2024):CPC and CPSIA-certified To Ensure Our Product Is Considered Safe.
🧼[Washable & Adjustable] Infant lounger baby lounger cover is both washable and reversible, making it easy to clean and maintain. Additionally, the buckle can be removed to accommodate your growing baby. These features provide added convenience for parents, allowing them to keep the covers looking and smelling fresh while ensuring their baby is always comfortable and secure.
🧳[Portable for Travel] Light weight at only 3 pounds and includes two handles for easy transportation.
🥇[Excellent Service] Our company takes pride in providing excellent customer service, and we guarantee our customers' satisfaction with our products. We are committed to ensuring that our customers are happy with their purchase. Our customer service team is always available to answer any questions or concerns and to assist with any issues that may arise. We strive to provide a positive experience for our customers, from the moment they place their order to after-sales support.

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Precio: U$S 65.77 $ 2.960

Ahorras: U$S 22.78 (35%) $ 1030 (35%)

U$S 42.99

$ 1.930

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¿Cuál es la valoración promedio de Baby Nest, Baby Lounger, Or...?

La valoración promedio de Baby Nest, Baby Lounger, Or... es 4 (basado en 458 reviews).


¿Baby Nest, Baby Lounger, Or... tiene devolución?

Si, usted puede devolver el producto a nuestras oficinas de Miami (USA). Para ello se debe solicitar la devolución en su cuenta de Tiendamia dentro de los primeros 7 días de haber recibido el paquete. Los costos de devolución corren por cuenta del cliente. Más información en Políticas de devolución


¿A qué tienda pertenece este producto?

Baby Nest, Baby Lounger, Or... pertenece al catálogo de Amazon


¿Cuánto demora el envío de Baby Nest, Baby Lounger, Or...?

Los tiempos de envió pueden variar según el producto. Recibí Baby Nest, Baby Lounger, Or... en tu casa en un tiempo de entre 5 y 11 dias.


¿Este producto tiene garantía de entrega?

Todas las órdenes tienen garantía de entrega en Uruguay. Si tu pedido no llegó luego de 60 días de realizada la orden, te devolvemos el total de tu dinero. Tener en cuenta que si la orden queda retenida en aduana por razones ajenas a Tiendamia (ejemplo: exceso de franquicias) no aplica esta garantía.
