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LEGO DREAMZzz Izzie's Narwhal Hot-Air Balloon Deep-Sea Animal Toy, Save Bunchu from a Grimspawn, Transforming Whale Figure for Kids, Bunny Toy for Boys and Girls 7 Years Old and Up, 71472

199 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Lego

Peso con empaque: 0.393 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

A transforming whale figure toy – Toy for boys and girls 7 years old and up to unlock their imaginations. This LEGO DREAMZzz Izzie’s Narwhal Hot-Air Balloon toy offers kids 2 building options
2 ways to play – Creative kids can choose their own adventure by transforming the narwhal toy into a hot-air balloon toy or a fast and agile chariot boat toy
3 detailed LEGO DREAMZzz characters – The set includes an Izzie minifigure, plus a Grimspawn figure and a small Bunchu bunny toy
A kids’ gift idea – Fans of LEGO DREAMZzz can enjoy hours of play with this fantasy TV show toy. Great gift for kids to be given for a birthday, holiday, or just a special treat
Ocean animal toy – The narwhal model includes an opening mouth and a horn on its head
LEGO DREAMZzz sets – Explore other fantasy toys for girls and boys in the LEGO DREAMZzz range, where kids can immerse themselves in dream world adventures and get acquainted with hero figures
Dimensions – The set includes 156 pieces, and in hot-air balloon mode it measures over 6.5 in. (16 cm) high, 5 in. (13 cm) long and 5.5 in. (14 cm) wide

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Precio: U$S 28.46 $ 1.270

Ahorras: U$S 12.47 (44%) $ 550 (44%)

U$S 15.99

$ 720

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Más detalles del producto

Kids aged 7 and up dive into the fantastical LEGO DREAMZzz world with Izzie's Narwhal Hot-Air Balloon toy (71472). Based on the exciting TV show, kids can help LEGO DREAMZzz hero figure Izzie rescue her bunny toy, Bunchu, from the grips of a nightmare villain by building a whale figure fantasy toy. This cool LEGO animal toy encourages kids to choose their own adventure and unleash their imaginations by offering them 2 building options. It has lots of features, including an opening mouth and enough space inside to fit small objects such as decorative tiles and balloons. Kids can then transform the deep-sea animal model into a hot-air balloon toy or a fast and agile chariot boat. Fun toy for boys and girls 7 years old and up. LEGO DREAMZzz characters, including hero Izzie and a Grimspawn, bring the set to life. It also includes a small figure of Bunchu the bunny, so kids can live out the entire storyline and create their own dream builds. Contains 156 pieces.

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¿Cuál es la valoración promedio de LEGO DREAMZzz Izzie's Narwh...?

La valoración promedio de LEGO DREAMZzz Izzie's Narwh... es 5 (basado en 199 reviews).


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¿Cuánto demora el envío de LEGO DREAMZzz Izzie's Narwh...?

Los tiempos de envió pueden variar según el producto. Recibí LEGO DREAMZzz Izzie's Narwh... en tu casa en un tiempo de entre 5 y 11 dias.


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Todas las órdenes tienen garantía de entrega en Uruguay. Si tu pedido no llegó luego de 60 días de realizada la orden, te devolvemos el total de tu dinero. Tener en cuenta que si la orden queda retenida en aduana por razones ajenas a Tiendamia (ejemplo: exceso de franquicias) no aplica esta garantía.
