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Disney x Kitsch Satin Heatless Curling Rod - Hair Curler Set, Heatless Curls Overnight, Hair Rollers for Soft Curls & Frizz-Free Styling, No Heat Curlers To Sleep in - 6pcs, Disney Princess

139 Calificaciones
4 Count (Pack of 1)
6 Count (Pack of 1)
Disney Princess

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Kitsch

Peso con empaque: 0.355 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

GET CURLS WITHOUT HAIR DAMAGE: Traditional heat styling methods can cause damage to hair over time, but these heatless hair curlers offer a healthier alternative, promoting stronger and healthier hair. Achieve flawless damage-free curls everytime with large Kitsch Curling Rods!
WEAR THEM DAY AND NIGHT: The flexible design of these flexi rods for long hair, medium hair or short hair,eliminates the need for pins or clips, making them easy to use and comfortable to wear, whether you're sleeping or wearing them all day.
THE HEATLESS CURLS FOR YOU: Instead of relying on heat, these curling rods allow you to style your hair using only air-drying, making them a gentle and heatless option for styling. Choose Kitsch Heatless Curlers for everyday voluminous no-heat hair that everyone can enjoy, from kids, teens and adults!
OPTIMAL COMFORT: Go to sleep comfortably with the Satin Pillow Hair Rollers in your hair and wake up looking beautiful. The soft satin material is gentle on your hair and scalp, allowing you to sleep in total comfort and wake up to perfect curls or waves.
Fun Disney Design: Featuring charming Disney characters, these heatless curlers add a touch of whimsy to your hair routine, making styling fun and stylish!

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Precio: U$S 26.98 $ 1.220

Ahorras: U$S 10.99 (41%) $ 500 (41%)

U$S 15.99

$ 720

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La valoración promedio de Disney x Kitsch Satin Heatl... es 4 (basado en 139 reviews).


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Disney x Kitsch Satin Heatl... pertenece al catálogo de Amazon


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