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Slingshot, Stainless Steel Slingshots for Adults and Kids, Sling Shot for Hunting and Shooting Practice with 1 Ammo Pouch, 100 Ammo Balls, 9 flatbands & 4 Target, Slingshot for Outdoor Catapult Game

156 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Agkcihven

Peso con empaque: 0.670 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

This is a very sturdy and practical slingshots, well made, more power and high velocity.Recurve design solid wood handles, great ergonomics, feels comfortable in hand, non-slip, make easy to hold.
Professional Slingshots for Adults: This small professional stainless steel metal slingshot is sturdy and durable and no rust, that has strong rubber band tension, Easy to install and grip, Small and portable, perfect for slingshot shooting enthusiasts and beginners, Suitable for adults and children.
AGKCIHVEN latex slingshot bands are offered in various thicknesses Premium latex: 0.75mm, 1mm and 1.2mm sizes to accommodate a variety of different slingshot ammo sizes.specifically for slingshot performance! Perfect for all slingshot shooting, even in cold weather, Premium latex is fast and durable. Be sure to trim your bands to the correct length before using them, and match your band size to the ammo that you’re shooting.
It feels nice in the hand, and is easy to aim,Let every participant experience the fun of the competition.
Package: 1 x Slingshot, 1 x Slingshot Ammo Pouch, 9 x Rubber bands( 0.75mm *3 + 1.0mm *3 + 1.2mm *3 ), 2 x Slingshot sights, 1 x Steel Target, 1 x Fabric Target, 2 x Silicone Target, 1 x adjustable magnetic ring, 50 x Clay Slingshot Ammo and 50 x Stainless steel Slingshot Ammo.

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La valoración promedio de Slingshot, Stainless Steel... es 4 (basado en 156 reviews).


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Los tiempos de envió pueden variar según el producto. Recibí Slingshot, Stainless Steel... en tu casa en un tiempo de entre 5 y 11 dias.


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