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Frog Balance Game,Balance Board Game,Two-Player Balanced Tree Board Game, Montessori Frog Balance Tree Educational Toys, Children Desktop Game Gift for Boys Girls

106 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Yeopopshop

Peso con empaque: 0.355 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

Frog Balance Game: Stack balance toys features a cute frog theme.The size of the frog stack attack games set is 14*7cm / 5.5*2.76 in. Sets includes 50 frogs, balance board pillar base, adventure wheel, dice, and storage bag. The frog balance game adds more fun to the party, perfect for party favors family games, parent-child games, etc.
Eco-Friendly Choice: After strict quality testing, our Frog Balance Game is crafted from non-fading, environmentally friendly ABS materials, smooth design ensures the safety of kids and durability of the toy, allowing kids to fully enjoy the balance stacking games without any concerns.
Interactive Family Games: Designed for 2 player games, this frog tree balance games promoting parent-child interaction. Place little Frogs by points on the balance scale in Frog Balance Math Game. Play with a friend and see who can last without tipping the scale. This promotes children's competitive and cooperative spirit, while also enhancing their math skills. stacking games of fidget toys will bring hours of fun to kids and adults of all ages.
Educational Toy For Kids: This balance stacking games provides the perfect opportunity for family game night, party games, and other social gatherings, everyone will enjoy the fun. Frog balance tree two person games parent-child interactive puzzle toy to promote interaction and bonding between parents and kids.
Wonderful Gift: The Frog Balance Game is the perfect choice for parents looking to gift their kids a fun and educational game. With its unique qualities, it helps improve hand-eye coordination, motor skills and counting abilities. Kids balance games is great for party favors , Easter toys and prizes, school classroom rewards, party bag fillers, birthday gifts for boys and girls, goodie bags stuffers and other party activities.

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Precio: U$S 17.98 $ 810

Ahorras: U$S 8.99 (50%) $ 400 (50%)

U$S 8.99

$ 410

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Más detalles del producto

Frog Balance Game, Balance Board Game, Two-Player Balanced Tree Board Game, Montessori Frog Balance Tree Educational Toys, Desktop Game Gift for Boys Girls

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La valoración promedio de Frog Balance Game,Balance... es 4 (basado en 106 reviews).


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Los tiempos de envió pueden variar según el producto. Recibí Frog Balance Game,Balance... en tu casa en un tiempo de entre 5 y 11 dias.


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