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Lifewit Floating Shelves for Wall, 8 Pack Black Acrylic Shelf 15" Room Decor for Bookcase/Vinyl Record Display/Photo/Picture in Bedroom, Living Room, Bathroom, Kitchen Storage and Organization

1645 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Lifewit

Peso con empaque: 1.804 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

Sturdy Design: Wall shelves can be securely installed to the wall using expansion screws. It is capable of withstanding a weight of up to 20 pounds(9kg), ensuring durability and preventing easy breakage. It features lip designs on the front and both sides, effectively preventing your belongings from falling off.
Space Saving: Floating shelves make full use of wall space, allowing you to conveniently store and organize various items. With a length of 15 inches(38.1cm) and a width of 4 inches(10.16cm), it can accommodate books, toys, figurines, nail polishes, photo frames, records, certificates, and more.
Multiuse: Floating shelves for wall can be installed in living room, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, and other spaces, and we offer multi sets combination to meet your different storage needs. Additionally, they can also add decoration to your room.
2 Ways to Install: The two hanging options are upward or downward. Acrylic shelves come with pre-drilled holes, detailed instructions, and all necessary mounting hardware, including screws, wall anchors, and bubble lever, which make installation simple and easy in just a few minutes.
Easy to Clean: Our easy-to-clean wall shelves require no effort to clean dust off the shelves. Simply wipe them quickly to make them shine brightly. Tips: A microfiber or mild cloth is required.

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SKU: B0D1261P2M

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Precio: U$S 57.98 $ 2.610

Ahorras: U$S 28.99 (50%) $ 1300 (50%)

U$S 28.99

$ 1.310

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La valoración promedio de Lifewit Floating Shelves fo... es 4 (basado en 1645 reviews).


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