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Baby Changing Table, Versatile Folding Changing Table, Waterproof Diaper Changing Station, Adjustable Height with 2 Drawers,Baby Changing Station, Mobile Nursery for Infant and Newborn

486 Calificaciones
Light Dark Grey
Light Grey-changing Table

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Saryocy

Peso con empaque: 9.252 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

Baby Changing Table
Material:Baby changing table is constructed with a high-quality metal frame and durable fabric materials, coupled with a waterproof changing pad, ensuring sturdiness and ease of cleaning. Soft plush toy attachments offer happy and comfortable entertainment for babies. Changing table dresser meets all quality requirements. This portable changing table for baby, with its gray changing table design, serves as a versatile changing table portable for families with infants
Function:Changing Table features guard rails and a safety strap to ensure stability while changing diapers. Four lockable wheels prevent accidental movement, ensuring the diaper changing station stability during use. Its adjustable height offers three levels, suiting parents of varying heights. The diaper changing table with wheels is practical as a rolling changing table and doubles as a mobile changing table for convenience in any room
Storage Space:Portable changing table boasts spacious storage options. Equipped with bilateral side storage, this unit offers two-tiered storage and two foldable drawers. Baby changing table features removable storage compartments in the front and back, perfect for hanging baby clothes. This foldable changing table for baby is also a changing station that adapts to small spaces and supports organized parenting
Perfect Size:Diaper Changing station is designed with practical dimensions, featuring a width of 23.62 inches, depth of 37.4 inches, and height adjustable up to 47.24 inches. This collapsible changing table integrates smoothly into homes and can be folded for convenience. The portable baby changing table is perfect for small spaces, ensuring it fits as a baby changing station folding solution
Family:Baby changing station or Cambiadores de pañales para bebés is friendly for any family with an infant. Perfect for limited spaces, it works well in bedrooms, living rooms, or bathrooms. The portable diaper changing station serves families with flexibility, offering a changing station for nursery or as a toddler changing table, making it suitable for newborns to toddlers

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Precio: U$S 199.99 $ 8.920

Ahorras: U$S 40.00 (21%) $ 1780 (21%)

U$S 159.99

$ 7.140

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La valoración promedio de Baby Changing Table, Versat... es 4 (basado en 486 reviews).


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