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Light Up Dinosaur Building Block Sets, Glowing Tyrannosaur Building Kits Construction Dino, Dinosaur Educational Building Sets for Boy 6+ and Adult, 23.6 Inch Big Size

24 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Airney

Peso con empaque: 1.541 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

【LED Glowing Tyrannosaur Building Set】Surprise your kids with an impressive dinosaur adventures, and witness the Tyrannosaurus Rex comes to life with LED lights. The glowing effect adds a magical touch, making the visually stunning experience that captures your kids imagination. Additionally, active claws, head and tail of dinosaur allowing kids to create different postures in variety of scenes, We sure it will be your most cool and eyecatching display to any coner
【Superior Upgrade Big Size】Product assembled size 23.6(L)x7.2(W)x7.2(H), the dinosaur building set is designed in a superior upgrade in size, allowing for a more realistic and impressive replica of the Tyrannosaur. With larger pieces and big model dimensions, assembling the dinosaur becomes a truly satisfying experience. The bricks come separated in number of bags making it easier for kids to assemble. Parents can have peace of mind while children enjoy endless fun play
【Immersive Learning in Playing】Assembling tyrannosaurus building set encourages children to read instructions, locate bricks, and collaborate with others, leading to the improvement of kids logical thinking, patience, problem-solving skills, and imagination. Additionally, it not just a building toy, but serve as educational tools inspire their enthusiasm for learning about the lives, features, and evolutionary history of of dinosaurs world
【Cool Collection And Display】Once completed, the LED Glowing Tyrannosaur becomes a super cool collection. Its superior size, attention to detail, and captivating LED glowing effect make it a eyecatching centerpiece for display, adding a touch of prehistoric wonder to any collection or room. Diverse styling make it suitable to display in different areas, including workstations, bedrooms, living rooms, and bookshelves etc
【Perfect Gift for Dino Enthusiasts】Whether it's a birthday, holiday, or special occasion, this Tyrannosaur building set would be a perfect gift for dino enthusiasts of all ages. The combination of the LED glowing effect, immersive learning experience, superior size, and impressive display appearance ensures a gift that will bring joy and excitement to any dinosaur lover. Please take it to your love one

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Precio: U$S 63.90 $ 2.850

Ahorras: U$S 28.00 (44%) $ 1240 (44%)

U$S 35.90

$ 1.610

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Más detalles del producto

Dinosaur Building Block Sets, Tyrannosaur Building Kits, 23.6 Inch Super Big Size

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La valoración promedio de Light Up Dinosaur Building... es 4 (basado en 24 reviews).


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Los tiempos de envió pueden variar según el producto. Recibí Light Up Dinosaur Building... en tu casa en un tiempo de entre 5 y 11 dias.


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