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Soccer Ball Size 3 Size 4 Size 5 - Cyclone Shape Great for Youth & Adult Players -Training Soccer Balls with Pump

59 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Solleror

Peso con empaque: 0.560 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

Perfect Soccer Ball for Kids: If you're looking for a quality soccer ball for kids, look no further than Solleror! Available in size 3, this soccer ball is perfect for kids aged 8 and under, who are just starting out in the sport. The rubber core ensures reliable performance, while the durable construction makes it the perfect choice for outdoor play.
Eye-Catching Design: Featuring a unique cyclone design, the Solleror soccer ball stands out from the rest, making it easy to spot amongst a sea of other balls, and a perfect addition to any soccer collection.
Exceptional Quality and Craftsmanship: Made from high-quality thick PVC material and with a rubber core, Solleror's soccer balls for kids and adults offer superior air retention and responsiveness on the field, delivering an excellent playing experience every time.
Air Tightness Technology: The Solleror soccer ball is designed for air tightness, ensuring that it retains its shape and size, and stays inflated for a longer period of time. This means less need for inflation mid-game and ultimately, better performance on the field.
Complete accessories: The maintenance kit in the package includes a pump and 2 needles for easy maintenance of the ball. Please note that the ball is not gas-charged upon receipt.

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SKU: B0D62YD589

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Precio: U$S 14.62 $ 660

Ahorras: U$S 3.63 (25%) $ 160 (25%)

U$S 10.99

$ 500

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La valoración promedio de Soccer Ball Size 3 Size 4 S... es 4 (basado en 59 reviews).


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