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OAOLEER 6PCS Hair Bows for Girls, Flower Hair Accessories for Girls Grosgrain Ribbon Bows With Alligator Clips Girl Hair Accessories for Kids Teen Back to School (Flower Bows-A)

125 Calificaciones
Butterfly Bows
Flower Bows-A
Flower Bows-Mardi Gras
Flower Bows-Purple
Round Bows-B

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Oaoleer

Peso con empaque: 0.355 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

Hair Bows Package Includes: 6PCS (3 Colors). Our Hair bow clips have a special design, the hair bows are decorated with small flowers or beads linked by thin thread to make the hairpins more playful. These girls hair bows, clips are absolutely adorable and well great for girls toddler accessories hair decoration
Bows Size: The size of the toddler bows is 6 inch long, 2.2 inch width. These flower hair bows are great for toddler pigtails! It's a great choice for clipping some hair to the side, decorating braids, ponytails and pigtails
Premium Quality: Girls bows are made of Premium Quality Grosgrain Ribbon. The bows are handmade well with great care under strict quality control to ensuring they are durable and shaped. Your little girl will feel comfy when they wear them
Durable Alligator Hair Clips: Each alligator clip bow is well glued and securely attached to the alligator clips. The alligator clips with teeth are super easy to clip in hair, they stay in really well, do not snag or fall out. The clip base has a strong grip and lightweight, they can stay in place in both fine and coarse hair, and keep hair out of your girls' face
Ideal Hair Bows: Our hair bow are design in such a way to be extremely multipurpose in use and easy to be worn by all girls out there. Great for your little girls,teenage girls of all ages for any occasion: Baby present, Christmas, Birthday,Back to school,Family photography

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La valoración promedio de OAOLEER 6PCS Hair Bows for... es 4 (basado en 125 reviews).


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