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Seat Belt Adjuster for Kids, Car Seatbelt Adjuster with Safety Clips and Adjustment Strap Car Seat Accessories for Childs Shoulder Neck Comfort and Travel Driving Protection-Blue

30 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Ganbipu

Peso con empaque: 0.355 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

Customized Seat Belt For short people: This seat belt adjuster according to the actual height of children, by moving the buckle up and down to accurately wear the seat belt on their shoulders, without slipping or rubbing. It brings convenience to the safety of children's travel.
Neck Comfort and Driving Safety Assurance: The car seat belt can be arbitrarily adjusted clip positioning in the correct position of the child, to prevent our body can not maintain balance and neck or face friction when sitting in the car. This seat belt adjuster allows children and adults to adapt well to the car seat, making the travel journey comfortable and safe.
Our seatbelt adjuster are made from an adjustable strap made of nylon material and a clip made of plastic material. This seat belt adjuster is durable and soft, and can be sturdily fixed on the seat belt, enough to withstand adults daily travel use and wear and tear.
The car seat belt adjuster can adjust the height, angle and position of the harness according to your needs, so that it is properly fixed on your child's body, improving their safety and comfort while driving.

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La valoración promedio de Seat Belt Adjuster for Kids... es 3 (basado en 30 reviews).


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