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Toy Drum Set for Kids Toddler Jazz Drum Kit with 5 Drums Percussion Musical Instruments Toys for 3 4 5 Year Old Boys Girls Gifts Ages 3-5

43 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Twfric

Peso con empaque: 1.563 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

Upgrade Drum Kit for Kids: After comparing the existing toddler drum set toy on the market, we’ve made a lot of upgrades to the drum. These drums have been set as 30° tilt angle and drumsticks are equipped with foam caps on the tip, which is smooth to drum for toddlers aged 1-3. This drum set kit is ideal for toddlers aged 1-3 who want to explore the world of percussion.
Toy Drum Set for Toddlers: This toy drum set for kids is complete with a foot pedal, 1 bass drum, 4 small drums, 1 x cymbal, 2 x drum sticks and 1 stool. This may be a toy, however, it takes a professional jazz drum kit as the model sample in design, creating an atmosphere as if your kid is performing in a live show.
Surprise Gifts for 3 4 5 Year Old Boys Girls: With this drum set toy, your child will look and sound like a little rock star! The kids drum kit would give your kids a happy time. It is the best gift for 3 4 5 year old boys girls on Christmas, Birthday, Children’s Day, holidays, Special days and so on! What a big surprise and a great gift!
Musical Learning Drum Toys for Kids Ages 3-5: The kids drum set with stool can be used as a musical enlightenment instrument for toddlers. Toddlers and kids wave their drumsticks to beat drums and cymbals. The realistic sound will make them immersed in their world of music. Not only can help to increase your kid's interest in music but also develops their motor skills and sense of rhythm while playing.
Parent-child Relationship Enhancement: The toddler drum kit will help you teach your children learning beats or other music theory and build interaction between parents and children through playing with toys, exercising the kids brainpower, and enhancing the relationship between parents and children.

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SKU: B0D814V4S2

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Precio: U$S 53.19 $ 2.390

Ahorras: U$S 13.20 (25%) $ 590 (25%)

U$S 39.99

$ 1.800

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Más detalles del producto

Why are you choose TWFRIC Kids Toy Jazz Drum Set with Stool?✔ Practical Update & Different from Others1. Upgrade New Structure 4 legs supports will enhances stability and prevents falling apart2. Upgrade Drum SizeThe upgraded drum size is much bigger than other drums on the market. (Big drum size is 10 inches, medium drum size is 8 inched, small drum size is 6 inches)3. Upgraded Seat Helps toddlers feel steady and safe.✔Educational Musical Toys for Kids Ages 3-5Develop their musical skills and creative skills.Boost their attention levels, memoryExercises the toddler's motorEnhances the relationship between parents and children.✔ Perfect GiftTWFRIC Toy Drum Kit is a great musical toys as your special gifts for kids or friends. The perfect gifts for boys, girls age 3 4 5 year old.✔ Package Content 5 x drums 2 x drum sticks 1 x cymbal 1x stool

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