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Soccer Ball Size 3/4/5 with Pump & Bag - Single or Bulk - Official Size & Weight - Classic Black & White - Indoor Outdoor Use - Durable & Long-Lasting - Ideal Gift for Toddler, Kids, Youth & Adults

33 Calificaciones
1 Pack
2 Pack
3 Pack

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Cellook

Peso con empaque: 0.640 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

PERFECT FOR JUNIOR PLAYERS AGES 3-8: Crafted to meet official size and weight requirements, this size 3 soccer ball is ideal for children between 3 and 8 years old. It’s the perfect tool to help junior players refine their soccer skills and enjoy active play.
SAFE MATERIAL FOR KIDS - Crafted from top - grade PVC, the ball features a cushioned surface. Not only is it gentle on the delicate feet of young players, but it also provides a consistent and comfortable touch, allowing kids to develop their ball - handling skills with ease and confidence.Its non-toxic, environmentally safe materials provide durability and safety, ensuring worry-free enjoyment for kids and their parents.
DURABLE AND RELIABLE - Engineered for long-lasting use, this soccer ball features a weather-resistant PVC exterior that holds up under tough play conditions. The high-grade rubber bladder ensures superior air retention, so the ball stays inflated and ready for action. Includes a compact pump for convenience.
CLASSIC BLACK & WHITE DESIGN - With a sleek update to the classic soccer ball aesthetic, this ball combines a timeless look with high-performance construction. It’s perfect for junior athletes, casual games, training sessions, or simply kicking around in the yard.
AWESOME GIFT FOR ACTIVE KIDS - Ideal for birthdays, holidays, or sports team celebrations, this soccer ball makes an excellent gift for young athletes. Inspire a love for soccer and outdoor play with a ball designed for fun, safety, and performance.
STRESS-FREE CUSTOMER SUPPORT - Should you face any issues, our responsive customer service team is always ready to assist. With our satisfaction guarantee and easy replacement policy, you can purchase with peace of mind, knowing we’re here to support you every step of the way!

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Precio: U$S 35.98 $ 1.620

Ahorras: U$S 17.99 (50%) $ 810 (50%)

U$S 17.99

$ 810

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