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Solar Lights Outdoor Waterproof, 4 Packs 32LED, Solar Garden Lights, Patio Lights, Garden Decor,Patio Decor,Solar Butterfly Lights, Christmas Lights Outdoor, Unique Gifts for Women

220 Calificaciones

Este producto podría funcionar a 110V - Verificar.
Te recomendamos incluir un transformador de corriente. Ver Aquí

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Fensan

Peso con empaque: 0.860 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

【SWAVING BUTTERFLIES,THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFFLY DECORATION 】 The solar outdoor lights can emit warm white soft light, creating a romantic and festive atmosphere. They are the perfect outdoor decor for garden, courtyard, lawn, pathway, as well as any occasion such as Christmas, weddings, New Year's, parties, etc.
【THE MOST UNIQUE WOMEN GIFT IDEAS,SUITABLE FOR BIRTHDAYS,MOTHER'S DAY,CHRISTMAS AND OTHER HOLIDAYS】 The garden lights solar powered are very beautiful. When a gust of wind blows, it feels like countless fireflies are dancing in the wind. The cute lights create a romantic and warm atmosphere, making your family very relaxed and fun. It is definitely ideal gifts for grandma and mothers day gifts and christmas outdoor decorations.
【SOLAR AUTOMATICALLY CHARGING DURING THE DAY,LIGHT UP FOR 8-12 HOURS AT NIGHT】 Outdoor solar lights for yard use a 600mAh high-capacity rechargeable battery, which has a longer battery life than other LED solar courtyard lights. After automatically charging for 6-8 hours under outdoor sunlight during the day, the solar lights outdoor garden can light up for 8-12 hours at night.
【IP65 WATERPROOF,RESISTANT TO ANY HARSH WEATHER CONDITIONS 】 Outdoor solar lights adopt a high-tech waterproof design, and the corrosion-resistant ABS plastic fits tightly, making it less prone to water ingress. It can withstand rain, hail, and snow, and can work perfectly even in harsh weather conditions. It is an excellent decorative light choice for outdoor garden decoration.
【EASY TO INSTALL AND USE, WIDE APPLICATION】 Outdoor christmas lights do not require wires and are plug and play. They charge automatically during the day and light up automatically at night. They are suitable for courtyards, gardens, patios, sidewalks, small courtyards, and more. They are definitely the best decoration for gardens.

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Precio: U$S 40.47 $ 1.820

Ahorras: U$S 13.49 (33%) $ 610 (33%)

U$S 26.98

$ 1.210

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La valoración promedio de Solar Lights Outdoor Waterp... es 4 (basado en 220 reviews).


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