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Bovine Colostrum Supplement Capsules for Gut Health, Hair Growth, Beauty and Immune Support - USA Farm Grass Fed - No Fillers, GMP Certified Calostro Bovino para Adultos Organico, 60 Servings

87 Calificaciones
120 Count (Pack of 1)
120 Count (Pack of 2)

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Totaria

Peso con empaque: 0.355 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

Totaria Premium Colostrum: Totaria colostrum supplement capsules contain a remarkable blend of IgG and ImmunoLin IgG (important immunoglobulins) rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and digestive enzymes to boost immunity, fortify the intestinal tract, and promote overall health. All of these contribute to growth and recovery and improved nutrition.
Best Colostrum Supplement: Our 100% whole colostrum capsules is natural, unprocessed, and intact. With no additives compared to the competition, our product provides a full spectrum of essential nutrients: natural fats, growth factors, essential amino acids, proteins, and immunoglobulins that, when consumed regularly, help to strengthen your body's defenses, making it a great addition to your daily wellness regimen.
Sourced from Midwest USA Farm Grass-Fed Cows: Our bovine colostrum capsules are sourced from 100% grass-fed cows in the midwest USA farm, strictly free of additives to ensure a natural, high-quality source of nutrients, our powdered colostrum contains up to 40% IgG and sourced from sustainable, reputable farms that use ethical and humane agricultural practices.
Easy to Take: Compared to colostrum powder, capsules are much more convenient and quicker to take, no need to weigh or add to water, you can take two capsules a day and put them in your mouth, and you can seamlessly incorporate the power of the superfood: colostrum into your daily life and enhance your health journey.
Happiness: Our products contain no artificial ingredients, sweeteners, dyes, additives or fillers, only pure, high quality colostrum capsules. Additionally, we follow our “Calves First” commitment to ensure that newborn calves receive the colostrum they need before we collect excess. To provide efficacy and overall health benefits and ensure purity. In addition, we use no additives and it is also gluten and soy free to accommodate a variety of dietary preferences.

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La valoración promedio de Bovine Colostrum Supplement... es 4 (basado en 87 reviews).


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Bovine Colostrum Supplement... pertenece al catálogo de Amazon


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Los tiempos de envió pueden variar según el producto. Recibí Bovine Colostrum Supplement... en tu casa en un tiempo de entre 5 y 11 dias.


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