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TEKTON Blunt Pick and Hook Set (5-Piece) | PNH90403 (Pack of 1)

13 Calificaciones
Blunt Pick and Hook Set (5-Piece)
Blunt Pick and Hook Set (9-Piece)
Pick and Hook Set (19-Piece)
45-Degree Blunt Pick
90-Degree Blunt Hook
90-Degree Blunt Pick
130-Degree Blunt Hook
Compound Blunt Hook
Compound Blunt Pick
Straight Blunt Pick

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Tekton

Peso con empaque: 0.370 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

Includes 5-pc. blunt picks: straight, 45-degree, 90-degree, 130-degree, compound
Best for Precision Applications – Ideal for a broad range of mechanical applications
Blunt Point for Delicate Work – The rounded tips have a 0.040 inch diameter (about the size of a ballpoint pen) that reduces the risk of damage to soft or fragile workpieces
Resists Twisting Out – Two "wings" on the base of the blade help it resist being twisted or pulled out of the handle
Versatile Handle – The classic square handle is long and slender with contoured sides for overall versatility and maneuverability
Manufactured in Michigan – Tekton's family of picks, hooks, and mini pry bars is made entirely in Michigan with only USA-sourced materials

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Precio: U$S 26.60 $ 1.200

Ahorras: U$S 6.60 (25%) $ 300 (25%)

U$S 20.00

$ 900

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Más detalles del producto

The Tekton 5-Piece Blunt Pick Set has four blunt picks and one blunt hook for a variety of precise applications. The rounded tips have a 0.040 inch diameter (about the size of a ballpoint pen) that reduces the risk of damage to soft or fragile workpieces. Two "wings" on the base of each blade help resist twisting or being pulled out of the handle. The classic square handle is long and slender with contoured sides for overall versatility and maneuverability. All items in this set feature AISI 8650 steel shafts that are made from a strong Ni-Cr-Mo alloy that's hardened to 50–54 HRC. The handles are made from glass-reinforced nylon that's resistant to fuels, oils, and chemicals. Our family of mini pry bar, pick, and hook products is made entirely in Michigan with only USA-sourced materials. Machining, bending, coining, handle molding, and press-fitting the handle and blade take place at our Grand Rapids, Michigan, manufacturing facility.

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¿Cuál es la valoración promedio de TEKTON Blunt Pick and Hook...?

La valoración promedio de TEKTON Blunt Pick and Hook... es 5 (basado en 13 reviews).


¿TEKTON Blunt Pick and Hook... tiene devolución?

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TEKTON Blunt Pick and Hook... pertenece al catálogo de Amazon


¿Cuánto demora el envío de TEKTON Blunt Pick and Hook...?

Los tiempos de envió pueden variar según el producto. Recibí TEKTON Blunt Pick and Hook... en tu casa en un tiempo de entre 5 y 11 dias.


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