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Football Fans Memorabilia 2024 Soccer Ball Birthday Present Size 5 Match Ball with Seamless Stitching (Grey)

4 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Luliott

Peso con empaque: 0.730 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

Type: Champions ball The classic 32-piece leather structure design and the 2800 circles of nylon winding ensure the roundness promotes a smooth flight trajectory Available in size 5 only, it is perfect for players! make your football pass accurately
[Seamless Surface] The ball has a seamless thermally bonded surface, ensuring a consistent and reliable performance on the pitch.Attention to detail Material:Textured Surface, Thermal Bonding Technology, PU Leather wear-resistant Material waterproof and crush-proof, very professional ball with a good touch!
Passed six tests in the laboratory, 1 weight test, 2 roundness test, 3 elasticity test, 4 air tightness test, 5 impact test, 6 rare weather test he soccer ball is made from high quality PU leather with excellent contact quality and bounce Performance:The unique thermal bonding technology on the cushion foam layer seamless butt joints in the cover layer the surface is flat and the sealing is good, which effectively prevents water ingress ensuring excellent ball performance
The unique thermal bonding technology on the cushion foam layer can produce a smooth, seamless covering layer, uniform surface and reduced water absorption, ensuring excellent performance not affected by weather conditions The surface of the ball is textured to reduce turbulence and stabilize turbulence in flight upgrades and strengthen 1. Soft and does not hurt feet, 2. Wear-resistant and kick-resistant, 3. Professional and anti-leakage air valves
Our footballs are designed to deliver outstanding performance and are perfect for aspiring champions looking to take their game to the next level.A good football comes from a good material, and we use the most professional craftsmanship to create the most perfect football Our team takes your buying experience very seriously. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and we will solve it for you.

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Precio: U$S 64.06 $ 2.870

Ahorras: U$S 28.07 (44%) $ 1250 (44%)

U$S 35.99

$ 1.620

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La valoración promedio de Football Fans Memorabilia 2... es 3 (basado en 4 reviews).


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