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Dog Toys for Kids Girls, Walking and Barking Electronic Interactive Plush Puppy Toy Set and Pet Care Toy Set Accessories, Pretend Playset for Toddlers, Girl Role Play Gift for 3 4 5 6 Year Old

93 Calificaciones
Dog Toys for Kids-blue
Dog Toys for Kids-blue 02
Dog Toys for Kids-pink
Dog Toys for Kids-vet Blue

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Comfyroom

Peso con empaque: 0.611 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

10 PIECES: Children's pretend play toy set, includes cute motorized furry dog toy (batteries are not included), portable dog crate, dog clothes, dog food bowl, leash, dog bones, comb, mirror, hair dryer, pet care toys. They come in a superb gift box. This set of toys will immerse your child in the joy of pet care and the excitement of being a doctor
REALISTIC PUPPY EXPERIENCE: When you install the batteries and turn on the switch, this interactive plush puppy toy barks, walks, and wags its tail, and kids can care for the puppy and treat it. Let your kids experience the fun of owning a pet and have a happy playtime. Note: The toy dog requires batteries under the belly (batteries are not included)
SAFE & KID-FRIENDLY MATERIAL: This toy dog kids playset is made of high quality material, odorless, non-toxic, smooth edges and sturdy material that can withstand active playtime and frequent use. And portable and easy to store as you can easily store the plush dog toys and toy medical kit in our equipped carrying blue for easy storage and travel
EDUCATIONAL VALUE: Designed for children ages 3-6, this toy develops children's imagination, empathy, nurturing skills, and understanding of animal care. Pretend play and role play will bring endless fun to children, encourage them to care for and love animals through the use of multiple tools
PERFECT GIFT FOR GIRLS AND BOYS: For kids, this is surely a one toy gift that can give them a super surprise, whether it's for Christmas, birthday, children's day, or as a party gift, it will be excellent. You can also have a fun interaction with your kids and enhance the relationship through this electric puppy toy

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Precio: U$S 25.49 $ 1.150

Ahorras: U$S 8.50 (33%) $ 380 (33%)

U$S 16.99

$ 770

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Our plush interactive toy dolls aim to inspire the imagination and creativity of children of all ages with these adorable companions. They are soft, cute, and fun, making them the perfect gift for any occasion. Through our extraordinary plush interactive toy dolls, unleash children's creativity and bring their favorite characters to life

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La valoración promedio de Dog Toys for Kids Girls, Wa... es 4 (basado en 93 reviews).


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