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Phone Camera Lens Kit Upgraded Version Telephoto 28X Wide Angle 0.6X Macro 20X Fisheye 198° for Most

5 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Bnifi

Peso con empaque: 0.560 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

4 in 1 HD phone camera lens Sets,designed for photography hobby lovers, the kit includes a 28x telephoto lens for,198° of fisheye lens, 20x macro lens, 0.6x wide angle lens,And various accessories.ake your ordinary mobile phone camera lens and turn it into a photographer's camera for your photographic hobby needs.It's a photographer perfect gift.
28x telephoto lens Magnification of distant objects,Overcomes the disadvantage that mobile phone photography cannot be viewed from a distance. so that distant scenes clearly reappear before your eyes. When using telephoto lenses, avoid shaking.A tripod is recommended for better results Ideal for watching concerts, birds,and Scenery in the distanceetc.
198° fisheye lens, professional optical design makes,fisheye lens in the case of reaching 198 degrees of field of view, but still maintain a high center and edge clarity, making the picture quality details more complete, amazing visual expression can shoot pets, architecture, portraits,etc.
20x macro lens with multiple optical structure design, vacuum multi-layer optical coating lens production, using a distance of 1-2mm, can effectively increase the close-up view of the phone, bringing a different The world of microscopy.
0.6 times wide angle lens,Greatly increases the range of the phone's camera lens, allowing you to capture a wide field of view and get amazing perspectives.(Macro lens and wide angle lens are screwed together use=wide angle lens)
PLEASE NOTE: If your cell phone has three camera cases and you can't adjust the settings of your cell phone well, you won't be able to use the cell phone camera lens properly. Because the primary and secondary camera lens will switch .

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Precio: U$S 55.22 $ 2.480

Ahorras: U$S 18.41 (33%) $ 830 (33%)

U$S 36.81

$ 1.650

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